Email Event Registrants

Send Bulk Messages to Registered, Waitlisted, and Cancelled Registrants.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users can email bulk messages to event registrants.

  • Use Cases: Use the event email feature to send a custom one-time message that is not an auto-generated notification (e.g. a confirmation message when a member books a court). Optionally, system users can also send a message to players who canceled their event registration or are on a waitlist.


Know how to create an event.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Create a new event or open an existing one.

One the event page:

  1. Click the Dates tab.

  2. Scroll down and click the Registrants tab.

  3. Click the Email Registrants button. A new page displays.

System users can also send messages to other segments. Click the Waitlist tab or Cancelled tab to send a message to players in either of those groups.

Sending a message

On the Email Player(s) page, scan the pre-filled fields at the top of the page and confirm the information. Optionally, check the Email All Primary/Spouse Members box to include these family members (applicable if a family member registered for the event).

Registration Status

The default setting is Registered because the system user selected the Registrants tab on the event page. System users can change the default setting here. The options are players on a waitlist, players who canceled, and All players (i.e. registered, waitlisted, and canceled).

Scroll down to the Select Email Recipients field. All names are selected by default. Uncheck a box to remove a player from the bulk email.

Scroll down and enable these optional features:

  • Check the box to send the message to event instructors.

  • Paste in email addresses to add other parties to the bulk email.

  • Click the field to CC one or more system users.

Write a message in the field. Optionally, use the toolbar to style the message or attach a file (e.g. PDF).

When complete, click the Send Emails button and the Send on the confirmation popup.

Viewing sent emails

To see and open past emails, go to the Email Player(s) page and click the View Email History button in the top right corner of the page.

Locate a message in the table and click the View button. A new page displays message details (e.g. date sent) and the names of the recipients.

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