Configure the Welcome Email

Help New Members Login for the First Time

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Read and customize the default Welcome Email template.

  • Use Cases: The Welcome Email helps new members get started in CourtReserve by giving them a link to the member portal login page. System users can customize the email and add media (e.g. images) or links.

System users can send the Welcome Email message to new members that have never logged into their account on the member portal. This email shows new members how to set their password and log in.

CourtReserve does not send the Welcome Email message automatically. System users must manually send this to players. Click here to learn how to send a Welcome Email message.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SETTINGS.

  3. Scroll down to PORTAL SETTINGS and click the Welcome Email icon.

The Custom Message page displays. Click Save after making any changes.

  1. Add a Subject to the Welcome Email.

  2. Use the toolbar to style and format the message.

  3. Optionally, change the two fields with curly braces: First Name and OrganizationName. (see below)

  4. Add or edit the message body text.

  5. Click the Select files button and update images or documents.

CourtReserve automatically replaces the {{First Name }} field with the new member's user's first name. The {{Organization Name}} field is replaced by the name of the club sending the email.

Adding new fields

System users can add or replace the default custom fields in the template message. Click the Fields label, select an option on the drop-down menu, and then click Save.

CourtReserve adds the field to the message.

Optional video resources

System users can place links to educational videos inside the Welcome Email message. This content can help new members learn the platform and use the features. This page has a list of useful resources, Review the content and select the options that work best for your club.


If the system user sends a welcome email, the new member receives a message like the one in the screenshot below.

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