Set Up Event Categories

Create and Customize Category Options

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Find and customize Event Categories and create new ones.

  • Use Cases: When system users create an event, they must include a proper category tag. Understanding Categories helps system users create effective events and organize information (e.g. reports). CourtReserve comes preloaded with default categories. System users may need to create new categories with labels that match the services and facilities available at the club.


Opening the Event Categories page

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SETTINGS on the side menu.

  3. Scroll down to the EVENT SETTINGS heading.

  4. Click Event Categories.

Managing categories

CourtReserve displays category names in a table. Use table tools to change the display.

  • Click the grabber and move a row to a different location.

  • Click a sort icon to change the list order based on category Name or Is Public status. (see below)

  • Click Edit to update an existing category.

  • Click Delete to remove a row from the table.

Adding a category

  1. Click the Create Event Category button.

  2. Enter a category name.

  3. Select a background color. (optional)

  4. Select a text color. (optional)

  5. Confirm the Is Active and Is Public options. The default setting is enabled. Uncheck the box to disable either option.

  6. Click Save.

Filtering by name

If the Event Categories table has many rows, the Name filter can save time. Click the icon, fill in the required fields, and select a filtering option on the drop-down menu.

Filtering by public status

Use this tool to show or hide rows based on their public status. The options are is true (public) and is false (not public).


On the member portal, members/players can filter the display of events with the Categories check boxes.


Use the Categories tag to organize and filter information. For example, system users can use Category tags to filter reports.

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