Sites are automatically created when your sample results come back from CSBP Lab or when you upload sample results in Manage soil Samples
NOTE: You can also add sites during job planning.
Click the 'Plan' icon in the panel on the left and tap or click 'Sites'.
Click or tap 'Add New Sites' (top right-hand corner of the map).
You can add sites by clicking on the map or by entering the latitude and longitude. You can also import sites from a KML or KMZ.
Add sites by clicking on the map
Click on 'Add sites by map click'
Enter the site name
Click on the site's location on the map - you should get a black dot with a red outline
Click on 'Add site'
Close the box by clicking on the 'X' to continue to 'Add site by map click' for your next site.
Add sites by entering the latitude and longitude
Click on 'Add sites by typing lat/long'
Enter the site name
Enter the latitude and longitude in the labelled boxes. Remember that in Australia latitude needs a minus sign and longitude does not.
Click on 'Add site'
Close the box by clicking on the 'X' next to continue to 'Add site by map click' for your next site.
Read more about managing sites:
Add sites using the site suggestion tool (during job planning)