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How can I manage my Organization settings?

Find out how to rename your Organization, how to change the Organization logo, or how to delete your Organization

Updated over a week ago

Go to 'Projects' in the top left and select 'Organization settings & billing' from the menu. Next click 'Organization settings'.

This menu is only available to Organization Owners.

From this page you can:

Change the name of your Organization

Simply make your changes in the Name field.

Once you are done, you can save the changes in the bottom right corner. If you do not want to save the changes, click on cancel.

Add or change a logo for your Organization

Use the button to upload a photo from your device, or drag and drop an image into the provided section.

Once your photo has been added, a pencil-button will appear, allowing you to crop your photo or change which part of it you would like to use.

In case you already had a photo in place and wish to change or remove it, use the red button underneath your photo to remove it. Either save the changes to continue without a photo, or follow the steps above to add a different one.

Delete your entire Organization

Read carefully before proceeding!

  • Deleting your Organization will also delete all content (Projects, Episodes, Members, etc).

  • Deleting your Organization is irreversible, so make sure that this is really what you want to do.

  • See How can I delete my Organization? for more information on deleting your Organization.

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