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How can I manage Organization Members?

Find out how to change Organization level access rights, deactivate Members, and more

Updated over a week ago

Go to 'Projects' in the top left and select 'Organization settings & billing' from the menu. Next click 'Organization settings'.

This menu is only available to Organization Owners.

Next, using the menu on the left, go to 'Organization Members'. You’ll now see the list of active Members. If you want to see the deactivated ones, go to 'Deactivated'.

For each of your active Members you can change their access rights within the Organization, as well as reset their password, deactivate them or remove them from the Organization.

Organization access rights

To change a Member’s access rights, you yourself need to be an Owner for this Organization.

On the right, look for the 'Access rights' column and click the member’s current rights. Next, select the (new) rights you want to apply for this Member.

Seeing that an Organization always needs at least one Owner, Cuez will prevent you from changing the last 'Owner' into a 'Member'. This is to make sure that your Organization will always have somebody that can manage itself and its Members.

If you want to change yourself from being an 'Owner' into a 'Member', and you are the last Owner in the Organization, you will have to make someone else an 'Owner' first.

For more information about the different roles or access rights available, see Which User roles are available and what do they mean? and Which Organization roles are available and what do they mean?

Member actions

Besides changing the access rights of an Organization Member, other actions can be performed:

Reset password

A User can always reset their own password from the login screen, but this can also be done by an Organization Owner.

To do so, go to the blue button in the 'Actions' column for that User, then select 'Reset password' and follow the steps on screen.

Deactivate a Member

To deactivate a User as a Member of an Organization, go to the blue button in the 'Actions' column for that User, then select 'Deactivate' to complete the action.

A deactivated Member can later be found in the 'Deactivated' section under 'Organization Members'.

Seeing that an Organization always needs at least one Owner, Cuez will prevent you from deactivating the last Owner of an Organization. This is to make sure that your Organization will always have somebody that can manage itself and its Members.

If you want to deactivate yourself and you are the last Owner in the Organization, you will have to make someone else an Owner first.

Remove a Member from the Organization

To remove a User as a Member of an Organization, go to the blue button in the 'Actions' column for that User, then select 'Remove from Organization' and follow the steps on screen.

Seeing that an Organization always needs at least one Owner, Cuez will prevent you from removing the last Owner of an Organization. This is to make sure that your Organization will always have somebody that can manage itself and its Members.

If you want to deactivate yourself and you are the last Owner in the Organization, you will have to make someone else an Owner first.

Re-invite a member to the Organization

When inviting a Member to a Project for the first time, if that person didn't receive the email or activated the account too late (the link expires after 14 days), that person will have the status 'Activation pending' in the Member management.

You can then re-invite that Member or cancel the invitation.

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