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Cuez Lexicon

Part, Item, Block, Owner, Member,... Find out what it all means

Updated this week

This Lexicon contains all terminology used for Cuez in General, for the Automator Lexicon have a look at this article.


Access rights

Users can have different roles on an Organization level (Owner or Member) and on a Project level (Admin or Contributor). Every role has different access rights regarding the features in Cuez. More details in this article.


The access to the Cuez platform requires the creation of an account via the following link :

You can also find more information on how to create your account here.

Account settings

Access your account with the 'My Account' button on the top right corner. You can upload a picture, edit your full name, email address or password.

More information about your account settings in this article.

Action menu

In Cuez, the 'Action Menu' refers to the 3 vertical dots you can see through the platform and allows you to open a Menu with more options.


Admin is one of the roles for a Project Member.

Find out here all the features an Admin User has access to in a Project and for an Episode.

Appearance (Dark Mode)

Depending on your personal preferences or surroundings, you might want to use Cuez with light coloured text against a dark background (dark mode) instead of the default dark coloured text against a bright background (light mode). More information about the appearance options in this article.


The Cuez Automator is a tool used to automate (live) shows by connecting your Cuez Episode with the hardware and software that is used in the studio.

More information about our Automator, the supported devices and how to connect it in this article.



The Badge is the name of the Text or Cue Block in your Episode. You can choose to hide or show the Badges for your Text or Cue Blocks, in your Episode.


Blocks are part of an Item in Cuez and help you build your Episode. There are different Block types (Text & Cue) and you can customize them. More information about Blocks here.

Block type

In Cuez there are two types of Blocks : Text & Cue. They can be created and customized by Admin Users in a Project. Find out more about Block type in this article.

Block configuration

When creating a new Project in Cuez, Block configuraitons will already exist within it.

Admin Users can edit these Block configurations or create new custom Blocks.

This article shows all the information regarding the customization of Block configurations.

Block configurations manager

Admin Users can edit Block configurations or create new ones in their Project, from the Block configurations manager accessible via the menu of the Episode.

In this article, you can find all the information regarding the customization of Blocks.


Character Limit

You can configure the Plain text field of your Cue Block to have a character limit, helping your team to stay within a certain limit for this field. Find out how to set the character limit of your field here.


Columns in Cuez offer a way to add information to your Episode. They can be about Timings, or you can have different types of notes such as notes for audio, graphics, director's notes, and so on. More information about Columns in this article.

Column manager

To manage the Columns in your Project, you can use the Column manager from within an Episode.

You can find here all the information on how to manage your Columns.


In Cuez you can Comment on certain content and even use Comments to discuss this content with your colleagues. Find out more about Comments in this article.

Confirmation code

This is a six-digit code you receive by email to confirm certain actions in Cuez.

You didn’t receive your confirmation code? Have a look here.


Contributor is one of the roles for a Project Member.

Find out here all the features a Contributor has access to in a Project and for an Episode.

Copy content between Episodes

You can easily copy Parts, Items or Blocks between Episodes from the same Project, using the 6 dots menu of your Part, Item or Block (or via the keyboard shortcut). More information in this article.

Copy Link Episode

The Copy link option allows you to share an Episode with other Project Members (Users with access to the same Project and Episodes within, as you).

Find here a detailed article on how to share your Episode.

Cue Block

A Cue Block is a type of Block that can contain different fields (Title, Plain Text, Text area, Label and Media) and can be customized by Admin Users. More information about Cue Blocks here.

Cueing/Cue Mode

In Cuez you can easily keep track of Timings for your live or recorded your show with our Cueing system, accessible in the Columns within your Script/Rundown.

More information about Cueing in this article.


Dark Mode

Depending on your personal preference or surroundings, you might want to use Cuez with light coloured text against a dark background (dark mode) instead of the default dark coloured text against a bright background (light mode). More information about the appearance options in this article.

Default Field style

The Text fields in Cuez can be configured so that the text entered in this field will automatically have a certain style applied to it.

More information on the Text settings for your Blocks in this article.



Very simply put, an Episode in Cuez is your Script and Rundown, all in one, including notes and Timings.

More details about what an Episode is here.

Episode Settings

The 'Episodes Settings' in the 3 dots menu of your Episode allow you to change the Timezone and Time Format of your Episode after it has been created.

Episode template

When creating a new Project, you can select an Episode template (sports, talkshow, esports, live event or news) to start with. You will have a templated Episode in your Project and will start with configured Text & Cue Blocks of the type of show you selected.

Episode timing

Cuez supports multiple different types of Timings to keep track of time in your Episode.

See this article to find out more about Timings and how to use them.



The fields are the elements composing your Block and can be customized by Admin Users.

All available fields for Cue and Text Blocks can be found in this article.


An Episode in Cuez will by default show all Blocks but you have the option to filter your Episode so only certain Block configurations are shown.

Find out in this article how to filter your Episode.

Find & Replace

When working in an Episode, you might need to replace a certain word with another. Instead of doing it manually by going through your Script/Rundown, you can easily do so by using our Find & Replace function. More information here.


Floating can be done on the Part, Item or Block level. The floated Part, Item or Block will be greyed out with diagonal lines on top and the Timings of the Floated Part, Item or Block will be hidden from your Script/Rundown. More information about Floating here.


In an Episode, you have the possibility to freeze (and unfreeze) the badge numbers of your Items and Blocks.

More information about Freezing badge numbers in this article.



The Cuez Gateway is a tool used to connect your Cuez Project to prompting software such as WinPlus-IP or CueScript, in order to send the text from your Cuez Episodes to your prompter. More information in this collection of articles.



In Cuez, Headings are the Parts and Items that help you build the structure of your Script/Rundown. You can access and add Headings with the '+' or 'Add Block' button within your Script/Rundown.



New Members can be invited to a Project by an Organization Owner or Project Admin, after which these Members receive an invitation via email.

More information about managing Project Members in this article.


Items in Cuez help you structure your Episode. They are one level below Parts and can contain multiple Blocks.

Check out this article for more information about Items.

Item Color

Give your Items different colors to highlight them within your Episode.

Find out how to give your Item a color, in this article.


Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigate easily in your Episode and create content faster using Keyboard Shortcuts.

Find a list of all available keyboards shortcuts in this article.



The Label field is one of the customized field for the Cue Block.

More information about the Cue Blocks customization here.

Label Column

Label Columns in Cuez offer a way to add important information to your Episode. Labels in Columns are used to easily add selectable options to your Column and can be configured as a single or multi-select dropdown menu. More information in this article.


Cuez offers different layouts/views of your Episode: Script, Rundown, or both side-by-side.

More information about Episode layouts can be found in this article.

Locked (account locked)

After multiple failed attempts to log in your account, the account is locked for security reasons.

Check this article to find out how to unlock your account.



In Cuez you can add your media (Audio/Video/Image) directly into your Episode by uploading them into your Cue Block’s dedicated Media field.

More information about media upload here.

Media type

You can upload 3 media types in Cuez : Audio / Video / Image. We also support a wide range of media filetypes like png, jpg, wav, mp3, mov, mp4, mkv, etc.

All information about media type and files can be found in this article.

Member (Organization Member)

An Organization Member is a general Member of an Organization, this as a result of being part of one or more Projects within the Organization.

Learn more about the access rights of Organization Members in this article.

Member (Project Member)

A Project member is part of a Project and invited by an Organization Owner or Project Admin. The Project Member can have one of two different roles: Contributor or Admin.

More about access rights in this article.



In Cuez, an Organization needs to be created to get started. Within an Organization you can then create Projects and invite Members.
Find out how you can create your Organization here.

Organization settings

The settings of the Organization is where an Organization Owner can rename, change the logo and delete an Organization.
More information about an Organization’s settings can be found here.

Overwriting Timings

In your Episode, Timings can either be entered manually, calculated automatically, or both by overwriting a calculated value.

More information about overwriting Timings in this article.

Owner (Organization Owner)

An Organization Owner is the user managing the Organization. This user has access to User Management, Billing, Creating/Deleting Projects, and so on.
More information about the role in this article.



Parts allow you to form the main structure of an Episode (Script / Rundown).

Check this article for more details about Parts.

Plain text field

This field type holds a single line of text and cannot be formatted, other than the default field style that was configured for it.

Learn more about how to customize your Plain text field in a Block here.


In your Cuez Project, you can Upgrade your free trial with the plan the most adapted to your needs.

Check out here all our available plans.


Print your Script and Rundown very easily with Cuez with the layout you choose.

More information here.


A Project is part of an Organization and is created for every type of show (Talkshow, Sports, eSports etc). Within the Project you will create every Episode from your show.

Find out more on how to Manage your Projects in this article.

Project properties

Change the name and Logo/Image of your Project in Cuez.

More information in this article.

Project switcher

In Cuez you can be part of multiple Projects within an Organization and you can easily switch from one to the other via the Project Switcher on the top left corner.

More details about the Project Switcher in this article.


In Cuez you can easily access the link of your Episode to show it on our Prompter by clicking on the 'Prompter' button on the top right of your Episode.
More information about our Prompter here.


Read Speed

In the Block configuration of your Text Block and Text Area field of you Cue Block, by default the read speed will be set on 120 words per minute but you can change that number to best match your read speed. More information here.

Roles (Organization)

There are two roles on an Organization level in Cuez: Owner & Member.

All details about access rights in an Organization in this article.

Roles (Project)

There are two roles on a Project level in Cuez: Admin & Contributor.

All details about access rights in a Project in this article.


Scheduled date

Schedule your Episode for a specific date, allowing you to sort your Episode's list to find them more easily. More information here.

Search Function

When you are working in your Episode and you need to look for specific content (Parts, Items, Blocks or Text) using keywords, you can do so by using the search function integrated in the Episode. More information in this article.

Share Public Link

Share your Episode easily with someone who does not have access to the Project the Episode was created in, with the Share public link option.

More information in this article.

Side Panel View

Certains fields of the Cue Blocks can be hidden from your Rundown or Script but you can still access them via the side panel view. Double click on your Cue Block and it will open on the side where you can find all your content.


On the Episode overview list of your Project, you can sort your Episodes using the Title, Scheduled date or Creation date.

Learn more how to sort your Episodes here.


Text area

A Text area field in a Block template can hold multiple lines of text. The Text can be selected and formatted and can be configured with a default field style.
More information about Text area in this article.

Text Block

The Text Block contains one Text area only and the text can be formatted. It can be created and customized by Admin Users of a Project.
More information about Text Block here.

Text Color

You can easily highlight the text of your Blocks and Columns by giving it another text or background color.

More information about text color here.

Text Column

Text Columns in Cuez offer a way to add all sorts of text-based notes to Parts, Items or Blocks. These can be director's notes, graphics notes, audio notes, general notes or remarks, and more. More information in this article.


In Cuez, your team can build an Episode that can be converted into an Episode Template. You can create your main structure (Parts, Items, Blocks), add content to it (text, clips, images,...), and even add Columns and Timings. More information on how to create and edit your templates, in this collection.


Cuez offers different type of Timings to keep track of time in your Episode.

To find out more about Timings and how to use them, have a look at this article.


When creating an Episode, you have the option to set the Episode Timezone, allowing you to use timings based on this fixed timezone.

Find out more about Timezones of your Episode here.

Time Format

When creating an Episode, you can have the option to set the Episode to a 12-hour or a 24-hour time format, allowing you to either use AM/PM (12 hour) or e.g. 01:00 (am) vs 13:00 (24 hour). More information in this article.


To view the deleted content in an Episode, open the Trash from the three vertical dots menu at the top of the Episode.
More information about the Trash of the Episode in this section.

Trial (free trial)

We offer a free 30-day Trial to get to know Cuez. During this Trial you can create Episodes, custom Block configurations, and more. Once the 30 days are over, you can upgrade to a plan to continue working in your Project. More information about the free Trial here.



Upgrade easily your Organization's Plan, via the 'Upgrade' button on the top right corner of the main page. Select the Plan that fits your needs and you are all set!

Discover our available Plans here.


View (or layout)

Cuez offers different views/layout for your Episode: Script, Rundown, or both side-by-side. More information about Episode layouts can be found in this article.



WinPlus-IP is a prompting software that you can easily connect with your Cuez Project via the Gateway. More information on how to connect and use WinPlus-IP here.

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