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System Tax Rate, Markup Profiles, Categories

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

Let's set up your general settings for your account!

Profitability & Accounting / System Tax Rate(s):

Manage your local tax rate or multiple tax rates within your account. Once added, you can then apply these tax rates to your proposals when necessary!

Watch the video below to learn how to edit, add or remove a tax rate:

Markup Profiles

Retail markup is the difference between an item's wholesale cost and its selling price. You can create multiple markup profiles to use for a variety of products or event types.

Watch the video below to learn how to create & edit your markups:


Categories can help you stay organized by adding a specific category name to your products or ingredients within your account.

Watch the video below to learn how to add a category, archive a category & how to apply categories to your catalog: products & ingredients:

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