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Duplicate Events

Save time creating a new proposal by duplicating a previous event.

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Written by Product team
Updated over a week ago

Have you ever built the PERFECT proposal and just wish that you could copy that proposal for your next event? Well, now you can! Here's how to copy an existing event and customize it for your customer.

Video Walkthrough

How to duplicate an event:

  1. On the Events page, select the checkbox next to the event you would like to duplicate.

  2. Click the "Duplicate" button at the top of the page (you might need to scroll up).

  3. Confirm or change information about your event in the pop-up box.

  4. Click "Continue" to go into the event folder.

At this point your event is duplicated! Congrats!

A few things you might want to confirm/change in your duplicated event:

  • On the event folder:

    • Does the event status, event description, or tags still apply to this event?

      • If you need to change anything, click the pencil icon and then save your updated information.

  • In the proposal:

    • Does the title on the cover page still apply?

    • Update the new customer and vendors.

    • Are the dates on the timeline still applicable?

    • Do the payment dates still apply?

    • Is my contract still correct?

Disclaimer: This may not cover everything that you'll need to change or update in your duplicated event. These are a few key areas that generally do not match 1 to 1 in a new event, even of the same style.

What IS NOT copied when I duplicate an existing event?

  • Tags

  • Any attachments

  • Customer/vendor information

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