Video Walkthrough
Written Steps
Here's the steps to create a template for the Event Details page. Keep in mind that you may have more than one template and in the case of Event Details, you can even set a default!
Navigate to the Templates page from the left sidebar.
Click the + New template button on the top right corner of the page and select Event Details Template.
This will load the New Event Details template page. Below the screenshot is an explanation of each section:
Template Name: This is where you can name the template so it's easy to find later if you have more than one in the system.
Default Template toggle: When enabled, New events will automatically be pre-populated with this content as seen in the video walkthrough.
Calendar Color: If you use our calendar feature this will allow you to color code each event.
Description: This box is where all the important details go. Please note that you can use the Personalize tokens within this box to speed up the setup process as they will help fill in important details such as the contacts details and event details.
Production Notes: This is the home of internal notes for the event. Personalize tokens can also be used within this box to speed up the setup process as they will help fill in important details such as the contacts details and event details.