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Reschedule or Cancel a Session

How to cancel a session and how to mark late cancellations

Updated over a week ago

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Reschedule a Session

Currently, we do not have a reschedule feature. Simply cancel the session and schedule a new one to reschedule a session!

Cancel a Session

There are two ways to cancel a scheduled session. You can cancel the session from the "Upcoming Sessions" if you know in advance that your lesson needs to be cancelled. If you didn't get the chance to cancel a lesson in advance, that's okay! You can use the post-session form to indicate if the session is supposed to be cancelled..

πŸ’‘ Unless a lesson is cancelled, your mentee and the parent will be receiving session reminders (i.e., 48-hour and 1-hour reminders) from us. Therefore, it is best to cancel your lessons as soon as you receive cancellation requests to avoid confusion!

Cancel from the Upcoming Sessions

You can find the "Cancel Session" button here to cancel an upcoming lesson:

After clicking the "Cancel Session" button, you will see a couple of questions before you can cancel your session:

If the parent or the student didn't give advanced notice (i.e., 24 hours in advance) about the cancellation, the cancellation is considered late. We will charge the parent for late-cancellation sessions, and you will be paid for those sessions at your session rate.

What do the student and the parent see when I cancel a session?

Once you click the "Cancel Session" button, the session should be removed from your dashboard and calendar. The parent and student will be getting an email and/or text from us:

Example cancellation email

Example of a cancellation text

Cancel from the Post-Session Form

πŸ’‘ It is best to cancel your sessions as soon as you receive cancellation requests to avoid confusion, as the student and the parent will still get session reminders if a session is not cancelled.

However, if you didn't get the chance to cancel a session in advance, you can still mark the session as cancelled from the post-session form, which you can access once the scheduled session time passes.

Refer to this section for how to log a session as cancelled on the post-session form.

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