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Platform Guide for Students
Updated over a week ago

This guide covers everything you'll need to know about the Curious Cardinals platform! We will explain the platform section by section. Feel free to use the links below to go to a specific section directly:

Your Guardian

Your guardian section shows the guardian account currently linked to your student account. The guardian listed here has access to all your sessions, receives the same session emails (such as confirmation and cancellation emails) as you, and can join or cancel sessions for you. This guardian also receives and pays all your lesson bills from us. Make sure to thank them for supporting your passions and dreams πŸ˜‰

πŸ’‘ If you ever need to change the linked guardian, please ask your currently listed guardian to email us at with the request, or send the request to the Help Bot so we can help you make the change!

Add a guardian

If you do not already have a guardian linked to your account, you will need to invite a guardian first!

To do this, simply click the "Add a Guardian" button, and you will be able to invite your guardian. You need to put your guardian's email address to send the invitation (shown below)!

πŸ’‘ Currently, each student account can only have one guardian account linked. The family should decide which guardian email should be used to manage all sessions!

πŸ’‘ If your guardian has already signed up with us, make sure to use the email address your guardian used to sign up. If not, use the email address your guardian would like to use to create an account with us!

The invited guardian will receive an email (shown below) from us and can set up the guardian Curious Cardinals account with us through the link provided in the email! Once completed, your guardian will appear under the Your Guardian section.

Cancel Guardian Invitation

If you have a pending invitation and want to cancel the invitation, simply use the "Cancel Invitation" to do so!

Upcoming Sessions

You can see your scheduled upcoming sessions with your mentor under the Upcoming Lessons section.

Don't see your sessions? Contact your mentor so they can schedule your sessions. You can easily find your mentors and email them from the Your Engagements section!

Join a Session

Joining a session is simple! Just click the β€œJoin Session” button from the session you want to join, and you will be able to join your session Zoom meeting.

πŸ’‘ Note that:

  • The "Join session" button will turn green and become clickable 15 minutes before the scheduled session's start time.

  • You will enter a video call waiting room until your mentor lets you in. If you have any trouble joining, please contact your mentor directly!

Cancel a Session

If you need to cancel a session, you can do so directly on the platform. Use the button shown below, and you will find the option to cancel a session.

πŸ’‘ Note that:

  • Once a session is canceled, it will be removed from everyone's calendar.

  • if you cancel a session within 24 hours of the session start time. You will be charged for the full session!

Your Engagements

This is the section where you can see all your current engagements!

Email a Mentor

If you ever need to contact your mentor, you can use the "Email" button. Clicking this button will open up a draft in your email with your mentor added as the recipient.

See Session Notes

You can access all session notes for each engagement using the "Session Notes" button:

πŸ’‘ Note that:

  • If you don't see session notes for your session, check with your mentor to see if they have posted them yet!

Help Bot πŸ€–

If you ever need to reach us, the Curious Cardinals team, the easiest and quickest way is through the little Help Bot that you will find at the bottom-right of the platform:

The Help Bot is not an actual robot (sorry!), and it's operated by one of the Curious Cardinals team members. Please don't hesitate to reach out, and we'll get back to you within 24 hours (it might take a bit longer on evenings and weekends) 😊.

If you prefer to email us, you can also reach us at!

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