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Symptom Questionnaires for Tracking Progress
Symptom Questionnaires for Tracking Progress

All you need to know about the symptom questionnaires that are part of the Myndlift assessment.

Updated over 3 years ago

Myndlift gives you the ability to track changes in your client’s symptoms with a personalized set of questionnaires.

This article will outline the ins and outs of selecting questionnaires and tracking progress.

Available Standardized Questionnaires

Here is a list of the standardized questionnaires you can choose from:

Selecting Questionnaires When Adding a New Client

When you add a new client in the Myndlift dashboard, you are taken through a series of 5 steps.

In Step 1, you enter basic information about your client.

In Step 2, you are prompted to select tags relevant to your client’s clinical condition(s):

Click + ADD TAG and select the applicable condition(s) from the drop-down lists:

Your selected tags will appear:

In Step 3, we recommend standardized symptom questionnaires relevant to the tags selected in the previous step.

You may either accept the recommendations or add/remove questionnaires. To add a questionnaire, click on + ADD QUESTIONNAIRE and select the desired questionnaire(s) from the drop-down lists:

After adding a questionnaire in the questionnaire selection drop-down list, it will appear here:

Step 4 shows the components of the assessment. A full assessment includes your selected questionnaires, EEG sensing (five regions: Cz, O1, F3, F4, Fz), and the continuous performance task.

A full assessment is recommended, though you may opt for a partial assessment by leaving only the desired portions checked. For an overview of all components of the assessment, see this article.

Each symptom questionnaire takes 2-5 minutes, depending on the length of the questionnaire (10-15 seconds per question), and the remainder of the assessment lasts 20-30 minutes.

Step 5 sets up the assessment schedule for your client. It is recommended that the client complete an assessment before the first training session to serve as a baseline for tracking progress. Beyond that, you can define how many minutes of (neurofeedback) training your client must complete, or how much time must pass since the previously completed assessment, before s/he is prompted for a follow-up assessment.

Importantly, assessment results are only available for inclusion in the Myndlift report generator for clients with at least two assessments (to facilitate comparison of change over time). For more information on progress reporting, see this article.

After clicking on SAVE, your new client will be registered, and the assessment, including the selected symptom questionnaires, will be deployed for your client.

Can the questionnaires or tracking schedule be changed later on? Yes – any settings configured when adding a new client can be adjusted on the Assessments tab of the Client page, provided the client has not already started an assessment (see Making Changes to the Questionnaire Selection below).

Creating Custom Questionnaires

In addition to the standardized questionnaires that appear at the top, you may select a custom questionnaire that you constructed.

All custom questionnaires you create will appear under the “Custom” heading at the bottom of the drop-down list so that they are available for all your clients:

To create a new custom questionnaire, scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down list and click on “Create a questionnaire”, or

You can create a new custom questionnaire by clicking on "Create a questionnaire" from the drop-down list or by visiting the Manage Questionnaires.

Once you're in the "Manage Questionnaires" tab, click the ADD NEW QUESTIONNAIRE button to add a new custom questionnaire

Then here, replace the title, instructions, and question texts with your desired texts:

You can add additional questions by clicking on + ADD NEW QUESTION. Select a suitable response scale from the drop-down list. When you are satisfied with your questionnaire, click “SAVE”. The new custom questionnaire will now appear at the bottom of the Manage Questionnaires list and in the questionnaire selection drop-down list.

Important: Because they do not have standardized score ranges, scores from custom questionnaires will not appear in the assessment results available to you (on the dashboard) and the client (in-app) immediately after the assessment.

However, responses to individual questions from custom questionnaires are available to you in the Individual Symptoms Tracker section of the Assessments tab; see Viewing the Questionnaire Results below).

Selecting Questionnaires for an Existing Client

To select a set of questionnaires for an existing client, s/he must have assessments enabled on the Assessments tab of the Client page:

If the client already has assessments enabled, and you wish to add questionnaires click the SETUP TRACKING button, and follow the prompts:

If the client does not have assessments enabled, click the SETUP ASSESSMENT button:

This will take you through the required steps to set up the assessment, including selecting questionnaires and setting the tracking schedule.

How the Questionnaires Look In-App

In the app, your client will complete the symptom questionnaires at the beginning of the assessment. Here are introductory screens for the assessment and the questionnaire component followed by sample screens from standardized questionnaires for anxiety and attentional difficulties, respectively:

The client responds to the multiple-choice questionnaire items by tapping the desired response from among the listed options. The questionnaires you selected will be completed in sequence.

Making Changes to the Questionnaire Settings

If you wish to change the tracking schedule or remove the questionnaires component from future assessments, click EDIT in the Brain Assessments section of the Assessments tab:

To change the set of questionnaires selected for your client, click SELECT DIFFERENT QUESTIONNAIRES in the Individual Symptom Tracking section:

Viewing the Questionnaire Results

To view a summary of the Questionnaire results, including total scores and score ranges for each questionnaire, click on the row for the relevant assessment in the Previous Assessments section of the Assessments tab:

A new tab will open containing the assessment results. For a full assessment, results will include Questionnaires, Continuous Performance Task, and EEG Metrics sections (see this article for an overview of all components of the assessment). Here we focus on the Questionnaires section where you can find results from the symptom questionnaires:

As for the other components of the assessment, a summary measure computed from scores on all completed standardized questionnaires is shown. Click on the down arrow to reveal the results for each questionnaire:

The total score from each questionnaire is shown, subdivided into score ranges based on recommended cutoffs. Click on the down arrow to the right of each graph to reveal information about the specific standardized scale:

These results are also accessible to the client in-app via the MORE tab:

To view individual item responses and see change over time, go to the Individual Symptom Tracking section of the Assessments tab:

By default, you will see responses to all questionnaire items. If you wish to view item responses for only certain questionnaires or certain questionnaire subscales (if relevant), make the desired selection by clicking on “Questionnaires” drop-down box. Use the DOWNLOAD AS CSV button to download the individual item responses as a CSV file.

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