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Default assessment and training programs
Default assessment and training programs

Set a default assessment and programs to auto-deploy to newly added and self-registered clients

Updated over a week ago

This new feature allows you to auto-deploy default assessments and training programs to clients. This automation will help onboard clients faster and save you time and manual work!

In this article, we'll show you how you can:

  1. Deploy In-App Assessment by Default

  2. Deploy Training Programs by Default

Deploy In-App Assessment by Default πŸ“‹

To create a default assessment that will auto-deploy to newly added and self-registered users, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard preferences page

  2. Enable "Deploy In-App Assessment by Default"

  3. Select the stages you'd like to include in the default assessment:

    1. Symptom questionnaires

    2. Continuous Performance Task

    3. EEG sensing

  4. Set the assessment schedule

  5. Save the assessment

Default assessment for manually-added clients πŸ“

When adding new clients manually, the default assessment stages will apply to the client setup flow with the ability to change as desired.

Default assessment for self-registered clients πŸ“±

Clients who use your clinic code to self-register in-app will get the default assessment deployed and ready for them to complete.

If a self-registered client has already completed the default assessment, you'll be notified when you set them up. Any changes you add will apply to their next assessment.

Deploy Training Programs by Default πŸ“‹

To create default training programs that will auto-deploy to newly added and self-registered users, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard preferences page

  2. Enable "Deploy Training Programs by Default"

  3. Select the program/s you'd like to deploy

  4. If you're deploying multiple default programs, make sure to select the client's access to programs (client's choice, sequential, alternating)

Default training programs for manually-added clients πŸ“

When new clients are added manually, the default training program/s will be deployed automatically. If the client also has an assessment deployed, they'll have to complete it first before being able to train using the default programs.

Default training programs for self-registered clients πŸ“±

Clients who use your clinic code to self-register to your clinic in-app will get the default training program/s ready for them to complete in-app. If the client also has an assessment deployed, they'll have to complete it first before being able to train using the default programs.

Do you have any questions? Send your inquiry to or chat with us through the Myndlift Dashboard!

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