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Entry Sharing

Clients can now reply and ask for your feedback on their entries directly from the Myndlift app

Updated over a week ago

Note: this feature is currently only available on Apple iOS and iPadOS devices.

Not only does the Myndlift app empower users with mental wellness exercises and resources through the Journey and Explore tabs, but it also allows them to fill out journals and CBT-based exercises that they can share with you to receive text-based feedback!

Thanks to you, we realized that one-way communication on client entries was simply not enough. The client should also have the option to reply to your feedback (if you allow them to).

Introducing: Two-Way Communication on Entries πŸŽ‰

Think of it like a "chat" that's unique to every journal or exercise entry that the client shares with you:

  • As a practitioner, you'll be able to share your thoughts on what your client wrote in the entry, directly from your Myndlift Dashboard.

  • Your clients will be able to ask for your feedback and send replies on their entries, directly from the Myndlift app.

Client Asking for Feedback

When a client fills out an entry in-app, they will have the option to:

  1. Share the entry with you

    This option is disabled by default in-app so that the client can choose to share only specific entries with you. When enabled, the client will see the second option:

  2. Ask for feedback

    Also disabled by default so that the client only asks for feedback on entries when needed. When enabled, they will see a message explaining that you will give feedback at your own discretion, in order to avoid giving them false hope of getting feedback immediately.

When the client asks for feedback, you will see a green "Feedback Asked" label in the dashboard on that specific entry.

Notifications πŸ””

The clients' page in your Myndlift Dashboard also shows notifications next to each client. There's a unique notification icon for each action that the client takes in regards to their entries:


  1. Red mail icon: The client requested feedback on an entry

  2. Yellow mail icon: The client replied to their provider's feedback

  3. Blue mail icon: The client shared an entry with their provider

Email updates βœ‰οΈ

Whenever you have unread entries, you'll receive an email with the subject "New client entries" that lists the unread entries for the day and the ones with feedback asked.

This will allow you to keep track of client entries and see which ones require immediate attention.

Complete control from your dashboard πŸ”‘

Should you wish not to allow your clients to reply or ask for feedback on their entries, follow these steps:

  1. Opt out from the Preferences page.

    • Expand the side menu on the top left-hand corner and select 'Preferences'.

    • Turn off the Enable Client Entries by Default toggle to stop any new clients from sharing entries

    • Turn off the Enable Feedback Requests on Entries by Default toggle to stop any new clients from requesting feedback

    • Turn off the Enable Client Replies on Feedback by Default toggle to stop any new clients from being able to reply to your feedback on their entries

  2. Opt out from the Client's page. This disables it only for a specific client.

    • Visit the client's list, enter the desired client page and disable it from the Entries tab, under Entries Preferences

Do you have any questions? Send your inquiry to or chat with us through the Myndlift Dashboard!

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