The Recurring Time Trigger is a trigger currently used in Flowsite Flows.
It works by triggering a run every hour, four hours, twelve hours or daily.
How to set up the Recurring Time Trigger
Select the frequency that you want the run to trigger (every hour, four hours, twelve hours, or daily) from the dropdown
Select when you want that recurring trigger to start using UTC time
Hints and Tips
The Recurring Time Trigger is compatible with Timeline & Workflow Templates
The trigger starts immediately, so once you have saved the Flow you will be able to go check the Runs module to see the result. This is useful when setting up a flow
For Pro Plan and up, you can trigger the Flow manually within the Flow setup page up to ten times per hour by clicking the "Trigger flow manually" button next to the Save button. This is useful when troubleshooting an error or updating data in between your selected interval.