A run is an execution of a flow/automation on Flowsite. These appear as new lines in your runs table like below:
How do I calculate how many runs I'll use?
Runs are dependent on the trigger you select on Flowsite
Trigger: Form Signed
For the form signed trigger, a new run is created each time a specific workflow signature is signed and the form moves into a specified column (specified on the flow)
Take a timesheet template as the example
You have 10 employees filling in a weekly personal timesheet form
Taking all 10 timesheets through the approval process into the last column "Done" would result in a total of 10 runs / week
Resulting in roughly 40 runs / month for this single template
Trigger: Recurring Time
For the recurring time trigger, a new run is created each time the flow is repeated
So if you select
1 hour
for example for a single flow, you would have 24 runs / day and roughly 720 runs / monthFurther examples of run calculations based on recurring time trigger selected for 1 flow:
Day = 30 runs / month (1 * 30)
12 hours = 60 runs / month (2 * 30)
4 hours = 180 runs / month (6 * 30)
1 hour = 720 runs / month (24 * 30)