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Analytics Overview

Learn how to automatically graph information captured inside your forms, and become a data driven organisation.

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over 3 years ago

Dashpivot's analytics is designed to help you track performance, for individuals, teams, and whole companies. Whether its measuring production rates or tracking compliance KPIs, Dashpivot's data-driven tools can help.

In short, the analytics allow you to visualise the data being captured in the templates section. You can configure multiple dashboards, which can each contain multiple charts that update in realtime based on the information your team is recording inside your forms. These can be created either at a company level, or within a specific project team.

Permissions: you'll need to have Team Controller or Project Controller permissions to create dashboards and charts within a team folder, or have Organisation Controller permissions to create these within your Home folder.

Note: if you're creating charts at a company level, these can only refer to templates created in your template library, and will aggregate data from all projects into a single chart.

There are 3 chart types:

Each chart type has adjustable settings and filters, to help you slice and dice the data your way. In effect, Dashpivot's analytics automate a lot of the manual processing traditionally required to extract and graph information captured on paper forms AND give you more flexibility in the way you review that information.

This will ultimately give your team realtime insights, so you can make informed decisions to deliver projects on time and on budget.

Quantity Charts

The Quantity chart is used to track numeric quantities recorded inside your forms. For example, tracking labour hours, number of people, costs or production quantities over time.

Frequency Charts

The Frequency chart is used to track the volume of forms created over time. This is most useful when you want to:

  • See how often something occurs eg. incidents, defects, delays

  • Keep track of compliance KPIs eg. inspections completed per month

Ratio Charts:

The Ratio chart is used to compare groups of forms visually by a specified variable eg. workflow column, form creator, list item, project or team.

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