There are 4 types of Yes/No fields available in our form builder:
Yes/No: Allows selection between "Yes" or "No" options, in response to a set question/description
Yes/No/NA: Provides options to select "Yes" "No" or "NA" (Not Applicable), in response to a set question/description
Yes/No with Text: Provides selection between "Yes" or "No", in response to a set question/description. The field is also coupled with a text field to add further comments or descriptions.
Yes/No/NA with Text: Provides selection between "Yes", "No" or "NA" (Not Applicable), in response to a set question/description. The field is also coupled with a text field to add further comments or descriptions.
By default, the field label is set to 'Yes/No'. However you can customise it by clicking directly into the field. You'll also be able to amend the additional label text too by following the same steps.
There is also the flexibility to switch between various Yes/No field types. Simply hover over the field icon to reveal the available options and make your selection.