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New Patient Tracker Settings

How to configure your settings, and automate NPT Message Sequences

Ava avatar
Written by Ava
Updated over 4 years ago

The NPT is a series of sequences designed to nurture new patients through the beginning of their treatment journey.

Used in addition to the Virtual Consult and New Patient Scheduler you can overall increase your initial consults and lower your exam no-show rate!

NPT Sequences

Welcome, Forms, Thank You, and Survey

To view, edit, or deactivate any of these sequences, you can find them by clicking Settings >> Ava's Communication >> Ava's Lead Up or Ava's Follow Up.

For in-depth information on these, click here!


Click Settings >> New Patient Tracker - we'll go through everything on this page from top to bottom.

Default Team Member For New Patient Communication

The first setting is a drop-down menu with a list of all of your team members - choose someone for messages to be from:

(Click photos to enlarge, or right-click (from the messenger) and open the image in a new tab.)

You can override the default by opening a specific patient's details where you can assign them to another team member!

The New Patient Tracker will not display any data until you've selected someone.

Auto Enroll New Patients

Toggle this on (blue means it's active) if you want me to automatically start patients in the Welcome Sequence.

If this is turned off, you will need to go to Automations >> New Patient Tracker and click "Start" in the Welcome column next to every patient's name to start the Welcome Sequence for them.

I suggest leaving this off until you've set up and tested the tracker yourself, but when you are ready to start patients, turning this on will automate that process!

Treatment Statuses

In order to train me to know which patients qualify for the tracker, select at least 1 status for each of the 3 categories outlined in red (under the Treatment Statuses tab):

Treatment Status Categories

This first section is what I look at to initially to determine which patients should be added to the Tracker:

  • New Patient Statuses: Select statuses that apply to patients who currently have an exam scheduled, so I know which patients should be added to the tracker!

Select statuses for the next two tabs so I know who to send the Survey to - leave them blank if you don't want anyone to receive one:

  • Consultation Complete: Choose statuses that apply to patients who kept their Exam, and already scheduled their next appointment.

  • Consultation Non-Commit: Select statuses that apply to patients that kept their Exam appointment but left without scheduling.

After making changes, click the "Save" button above or below the settings.


When you click the "Patient Forms Agreements" tab, you'll see 3 tabs, one for each of the default agreements (outlined in red):

You can use my default agreement policies as they are, edit them, or replace them with your own forms!

Content of the Forms

Agreement 1: Appointment Policy

Agreement 2: Risk Policy

Agreement 3: Orthodontic Insurance Policy

These will be displayed when patients get to this section of the Health History forms - they'll click "I agree" after reading them, in order to move onto the next section.

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