Access the statistics menu :
To consult learner statistics, ensure that you have administrator rights. Then, click on the Statistics option in the dropdown menu located in the left sidebar. This will take you to the dedicated user statistics section.
Navigate to the learner statistics page :
By default, you will be directed to the Learner Statistics page. If not, make sure to click on the Learners tab to access this specific view.
Total number of learners :
On this page, you will find the Total Number of Learners registered on your portal. This provides an overview of the total learner base.
Total number of enrollments :
You can also see the Total Number of Enrollments on your portal. This figure represents the total number of learner enrollments in the available courses.
Analyze the average participation per learner :
The page also provides data on the Average Number of Enrollments per Learner. This helps evaluate the overall learner engagement in the courses offered.
Export user data :
If you need a detailed summary of your users in Excel format, click the Export Excel button. This feature allows you to download user data for further analysis.
The Export button downloads an Excel file containing the same information displayed in the table below.
The detailed report includes additional data, such as filters and custom fields for the relevant users. This file will be sent to your email address.
Review the user summary table :
On this page, you will also find a User Summary Table, providing a detailed overview of each user's performance and activities.
Access an individual user's statistics :
To review a specific user’s statistics, click on their Name in the table. This will redirect you to a detailed view of the learner’s statistics.
Examine the selected learner’s statistics :
You will then see all relevant statistics for the selected learner, including their course performance, enrollments, and other activity-related data.
You now know how to access and analyze learner statistics on your platform. This feature helps track learner engagement and performance, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.
For any questions or additional assistance regarding learner statistics, feel free to contact technical support at