1. Click on 'Company Settings'
2. Click on 'Integrations'
Angi Leads: Paid leads pulled to Cold Leads. (Learn More)
Zapier: Leads like Thumbtack, Facebook, Google pulled to Cold Leads (Learn More)
Dope360: Direct Mail Marketing Automation Service & Platform. Integrates seamlessly with DripJobs to allow you to automate your Direct Mail outreach. (Learn More)
CompanyCam: CompanyCam is a photo-sharing app that makes it easy to take, store, and share job-related photos. (Learn More)
QuickBooks: Sync all customers, invoices, payments, products/services, and vendors with your QuickBooks account. (Learn More)
Twilio: We use Twilio to manage all SMS texting that goes through the platform. If you haven't already, be sure to Set Up a Paid Twilio Number & Complete A2P Registration to be in compliance with new government regulations.
3. After Making Changes, Click on 'Save'
If you need any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the HelpDesk.