Table of Contents
About This Tutorial
There are different ways that a student can join the Online Studio lesson:
From a link in the New Event Created email.
From a link in the Lesson Reminder email.
By logging into their Duet account and accessing the lesson from their calendar.
This tutorial will show you all of the above ways. And link you to other tutorials to make sure you have everything setup correctly.
Join From New Events Created Email
This section will show you how to setup your Duet studio so when you create a lesson an email is automatically sent to the student. Then will walk you through how a student enters the online lesson using this email.
First: Turn on New Events Created Email Feature
You will need to turn on the feature that will automatically send a New Events Created email to your students, each time you create a new lesson.
For how to turn this feature on, see this tutorial: Send New Events Created Email
Second: How a Student Enters the Online Meeting
Your student just needs to click on the Join Online Studio link in the New Events Created email when it is time.
You create a new lesson and your student is automatically sent a New Events Created email.
When it is time for the lesson, your student goes into the email and clicks on the Join Online Studio link.
The student is then transported to the Online Studio session. In this example, you have the lobby turned on.
Join From Lesson Reminder Email
This section will show you how to send a lesson reminder email. Then show how a student enters the online lesson using this email.
First: Send a Lesson Reminder Email
You can send a Lesson Reminder email at any time.
For how to send a Lesson Reminder email, see this tutorial: Send Lesson Reminder Emails
Second: How a Student Enters the Online Meeting
Inside of the Lesson Reminder email is the link Join Online Lesson. The student just needs to click on this link to be taken into the Online Studio lesson.
You send a Lesson Reminder email to your student.
When it is time for the lesson, your student goes into the email and clicks on the Join Online Studio link.
The student is then transported to the Online Studio session. In this example, you have the lobby turned on.
Join From Student's Duet Account
This section will show you how to create a Duet account for your student. Then show how a student enters the online lesson from this account.
First: Create a Duet Account for Your Student
The student can join the online lesson by going into their Duet calendar and accessing it from there. For this to occur, the student will need to have a Duet account.
For how to create a login for your student see: Create a Duet Account for Your Student
Second: Student Accesses the Online Lesson From Their Duet Calendar
Once you create a lesson in your calendar, it will also show up in the students calendar. Here is how a student can access the online lesson this way:
Go to the Duet Partner website.
Enter in their username and password.
Click on the Log In button.
Click on Calendar.
Find the lesson and right click on it. This will open up the Scheduled Lesson popup box.
Click on the Join Online Studio button.
The student is then transported to the Online Studio session. In this example, you have the lobby turned on.