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Different calendar (schedule or instructor) based on variant
Different calendar (schedule or instructor) based on variant

Setup your event when you need different calendars, instructors, number of guests for private bookings, add-ons, etc. for that same event

Ray M avatar
Written by Ray M
Updated over a month ago

What is it?

A way to control your events and schedule based on the variant of a product/service that your customer selects.


  • Where your customer wants to select the coach / instructor before selecting a timeslot

  • Where your customer wants to select 1 2 or 3 hour durations for an event

  • A service that is an add-on to an existing product (buy an appliance, add installation)

Set up

  1. Ensure your product is set up with variants. This would be adding Options on your product.

2. On the Easy Appointments Booking app, create a New Event

3. Select the product from Step 1

4. Variants will appear as available for you. Select the variants you want included in your event.

a. Excluding / unchecking the variant would mean that your customer would not see a Select a Time button for this.

b. Checking the variant would mean that your customer would see a Select a Time button with this event details

5. See your event in store. The variants you checked will have the Select a Time button. The variant that was unchecked would go directly to Add to Cart

What if I want 'Select a Time' for all variants, but with different timeslots

See this short video on how to setup a variant for availability so customers can choose who they want their appointment to be with!

For example, a yoga class has two coaches set as variants. Each coach has their own availability and customers want to choose that coach. In this case

  1. Variant “Coach A” loads Coach A’s schedule. Variant “Coach B” loads Coach B’s schedule

    1. Only check Coach A checkbox for Coach A event

Create a new event for Coach B for the same product, but with the Coach B variant

Variant details can be found in the Booking Tab. In your emails, you can add the variant details with a small tweak

  • Add the {{variant_title}} tag in your email

Note: For Variants of Duration

  • The only way this works is if your attendees = 1. This way we can help prevent double bookings across both event types with this duration

  • If you need more than 1 attendee, whether a group booking (same charge) or multiple attendee tickets (charge per guest), please use a product variant to control this (separate from the variant-based calendars)

  • To give customers the option to choose the duration they would like to book an appointment for from a single product page (such as the example below), please follow the below steps:

See this quick video on how to set this up so customers can choose how long their appointment can be!

1) First, from your Product page in Shopify Admin, ensure you have listed the variants for the duration

2) Next, create an event for each duration that you entered for the variant. Make sure that these events you are creating are all connected to the same product.

3) Now you'll have an event that shows all durations

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