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Assign bookings to team member

You have an event with multiple team members and you want to (a) let the customer decide or (b) have the team member automatically chosen

Qalvin avatar
Written by Qalvin
Updated over a week ago

Customer chooses the team member, then the time

For example, a yoga class has two coaches set as variants. Each coach has their own availability and customers want to choose that coach. In this case

  1. Variant “Coach A” loads Coach A’s schedule. Variant “Coach B” loads Coach B’s schedule

    1. Only check Coach A checkbox for Coach A event

  2. Create a new event for Coach B for the same product, but with the Coach B variant

Alternative: Customer chooses the time, then selects the team member

The schedule is shown first, then the customer can choose which team member to select at that time (if multiple are available).

Once you click manage event, you can scroll down to the Team Member Options and see the ability to select ‘Let the customer choose a team member’. This is the default choice.

When this happens, the customer selects the time, then the team member available, then checks out.

Customer chooses the time, automatically assign a team member

Once you click manage event, you can scroll down to the Team Member Options and see the ability to toggle that feature on. See image below.

When selecting “Automatically pick an available team member”, Easy Appointment Booking will find whoever is available to take that timeslot. Now your customers won't need to select the team member after they select the timeslot. They would just select the timeslot, checkout, and would be automatically assigned at random to whoever is available.

Here is an example where a Tarot Event has multiple instructors, but the customer can get the instructor based on who is available, automatically.

Want your team to manage bookings without needing to coordinate with you? Check out the Team Portal!

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