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Where do I find my bookings?
Qalvin avatar
Written by Qalvin
Updated over a week ago

Once a customer books an event with you, the bookings will appear in your app.

Bookings List View

Head to the Bookings tab, where you can review all of your bookings in a sortable list. It is default sorted from your earliest booking to your latest booking.

Detailed Booking View

  • Click on the link of the booking under the “Date/Time” column of the booking table. The detailed view will appear. Click on the left-hand-side chevron to expand this booking and see

    • Customer phone number and email

    • Custom question responses

    • Revenue

    • Google Meet & Shopify Order Link (if applicable)

    • Internal notes

    • You can also edit a booking

In your Google Calendar

Those with the Google Calendar integration can see their bookings directly in their Google Calendar.

To show customers on the Google Calendar invite (for you and your customers), please check the following on the Event Manage page.

Agenda View

Helps answer questions like “How busy am I in the next few days or weeks?” or "Which team member / availability is at capacity?" You can filter by event and availability here.

Calendar View

Helps answer questions like “What are my bookings for today, this week, or this month, across all schedules and team members?”

Team Member View

Helps answer questions like “What timeslots are remaining for this schedule?” and “Is this team member fully booked for the day? What about next week?”

In the Export

Click Bookings in a list > Export Tab > Choose your date range > and Export! A CSV will download with the bookings details. Note: This is temporarily unavailable until Aug 1 2024, but requests for CSVs can be made to and we will send you the file within 24h :)

In the Confirmation Email

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