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Zoom Integration

Learn how to connect Easy Appointment Booking to Zoom and the benefits of doing so!

Qalvin avatar
Written by Qalvin
Updated over 4 months ago

Easy Appointment Booking’s Zoom integration lets you:

  1. Generate Zoom links automatically without your intervention.

  2. Share a secure, different Zoom URL for each booking.

  3. If using Google and Zoom, your zoom link will automatically be added to your Google Calendar invite.

To use the Zoom Integration, you must have a Zoom account. Zoom integration is currently available for Pro and Pro Plus customers.

Example Your customer makes a booking with you tomorrow at 12pm. You and your customer will get an automatic calendar invite for tomorrow at 12pm with the Zoom link attached to it. Click the link to login to Zoom and start video conferencing!

Setting up Zoom

  1. Go to Settings > General

  2. Scroll down to the Zoom section and click Connect.

Adding Zoom links to your events and services

  1. Once Zoom is connected, head to Dashboard > Manage Event.

  2. Scroll down to the Links section. You will see a new option called “Automatically create and share Zoom links”. Select this and press Update Event Details.

Everything is set up now.Once a new booking is purchased, it will automatically generate a Zoom link. You can view the Zoom link by clicking on the booking.

Sending Zoom Links in customer emails and SMS

  1. Go to the Settings tab and scroll down to Email Templates.

  2. Add the {{event_link}} variable into your email templates. See the screenshot below for more help.

  3. Press Save.

Removing the Zoom Integration

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.

  2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the "Easy Appointment Booking" app.

  3. Click the "Easy Appointment Booking" app.

  4. Click Remove.

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