Please find an explainer below of the fields you should complete when setting up a new product:
Product Name: The name of this product per the suppliers catalogue
Assign to Sites: Automatically assigned to all sites this supplier is available to, but sites can be removed if required
Supplier Product Code: If the supplier has a unique id they use to identify this product please input it here. If the supplier does not have one just re-enter the product name
Product Class: Select the class from the drop down options
Product Category: Select the category from the drop down options
Pack Type: How do you order this Product
Pack Quantity: How many single units come in the pack type, if it does not break down further enter 1
Pack Cost excluding VAT: The cost of a pack
Tax Rate: If no tax is applied, leave blank
Single Unit Type: If pack quantity is above one, what comes within the pack
Single Item Volume or Weight: The weight or volume of the individual product
Unit of Measure: Unit of measure of an individual product (this will be available when adding the product to a recipe)
Please see here for further details and examples on setting these fields correctly.
Alternative Units of Measure: For products such as packs of cups which come in sleeves, you can add sleeves as an alterantive unit of measure for stocktakes
Allergens: Set both contains and traces of
Nutritional Information: Can be set for this product per 100g