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How to Setup a Checklist
How to Setup a Checklist
Updated over 2 months ago

Checklists can be set-up for users to complete using Edify. These can be set up with custom “Tasks”, which may be set to appear for sites to complete on a Daily/Weekly/Monthly basis, or On Demand (ie. to be completed as and when is needed).

​To create a new checklist follow these steps:

Step One - Initial Setup

  1. Navigate to Checklists tab, and then to the Setup tab.

  2. Click the “Add New Checklist” button

  3. Name your checklist

  4. If you'd like the checklist to go live straight away select "Published" otherwise keep it as a draft

  5. Select the site(s) you would like to assign this checklist to, multiple sites can be selected

Step Two - Set Frequency

Checklists can be setup in a number of different ways to best suit your needs.

Daily - The checklist need to be completed daily

Weekly - The checklist will need to be completed on the days selected, you can set this to repeat every one, two, three or four weeks.

Monthly - The checklist will need to be completed on the date of the month selected, you can set this to repeat every one, two, three or four weeks.

On-demand - There are two on-demand options, you can select a "specific date" you'd like the checklist to be completed or you can set the checklist to be completed "anytime" which means the sites can complete it as and when required.

Checklists are automatically set to be completed "Any Time" of the day. But if you want this checklist to be completed within a specific time frame you can set this. Just click the "Between" option and set the times within which the checklist should be completed.

As well as setting up the daily/weekly/monthly frequency of a checklist, if you'd also like this checklist to be available to your team outside of the set frequency if required just tick the "allow launching task on-demand" button.

Step Three - Assign Users

Checklists can be assigned to specific user types or users themselves.

  1. Click the “Assign to User Role” field

  2. Select "All Roles" if you would like any user to see and complete this checklist

  3. Select the role level if you'd like this checklist to be completed by users with a specific permission level e.g. Manager, Employee

  4. Select "Specific Email" if you would like a specific user to see and complete this checklist - then search for their email in the new box that appears from your list of users

Step Four - Setup Questions

  1. Add tasks to the checklist by clicking the "Add +" Button (top left of the questions section).

  2. Name the Task

  3. Set whether the task should be mandatory or not mandatory

  4. Select the response type, checklist tasks can then be set to be completed by entering either a: Text Answer, Number, Temperature (in celsius or fahrenheit), Tick Box

  5. You can also upload a photo to the question, this can be used for example to show the person completing the task how something should look.

  6. 'Save & Close' or 'Save & Add'

Some examples of tasks you can set up would be:

​- Fridge Temperature (Temperature Value)
- Is the Alarm switched on? (Tick Box)

​- Log any issues that occurred today (Text Field Answer)

Once you’ve set your desired customisations and are ready to publish, press the "Save and Publish" button at the bottom of the page.

Checklist Setup FAQs

  • Where can I review my checklists that I have set up?

    Once the checklist has been set up, it will appear on the "Setup" tab.

  • Can I edit a checklist after I have set it up?

    Yes, you can make edits to checklists once it has been setup. Simply find it in the "Setup" tab and click "Edit". Make any edits you need and click "Save & Publish".

    You can change things such as the frequency, add and delete tasks/questions and adjust the assigned users.

  • How do I delete a checklist?

    Head to the "Setup" tab, select the checklist you'd like to delete using the tickbox, click 'Delete' in the top right hand side.

  • Can I keep a checklist as a draft before making it available to be completed?
    Yes, checklists don't need to be made available right away. Just make sure you click 'Draft' when setting up the checklist and select "Save Draft" rather than "Save & Publish".

    Alternatively, select the checklist you'd like to switch to a draft by using the tickbox, click the three buttons by 'Change Status', select 'Draft'.

  • What's the difference between mandatory and non-mandatory?

    Mandatory checklist tasks/questions will need to be completed before the checklist can be marked as done. Non-Mandatory tasks will be treated as "optional", meaning they can be left blank as necessary.

  • My checklist is set up, but not showing in the "Complete" tab for the assigned site(s)?

    If you have setup a checklist with a weekly or monthly frequency it will only show on the days/dates per the setup.

    If you set up a weekly checklist even if you choose its completion day to be the day you are setting up the checklist (for example, you setup the checklist on a Wednesday and select it to be completed weekly on a Wednesday) it will not show for the designated site until the following week.

    Please also check the permissions of the user versus the setup of the checklist. If a user only has 'employee' permission levels and the checklist is assigned to those with 'manager' levels this user will not be able to see the checklist.

  • Can I assign a checklist to a specific user?

    Yes, you can assigned a checklist to a specific user. Just select "Specific Email" then search for the user. Do remember to update who the checklist is assigned to should this user ever leave.

  • Can pictures be attached to tasks/questions by those completing the checklist?

    No, when completing a checklist pictures cannot be uploaded as answers to specific tasks/questions but can be uploaded to the checklist more broadly. When completing a checklist there is an 'upload photo' button at the bottom of the checklist. Multiple photos can be uploaded, but this has to be done one by one.

  • How do I setup a checklist if I want my team to be able to complete it throughout the week, and then submit it at the end of the week?

    To do this set your checklist up with a Weekly frequency and set the day as the day it should be submitted each week. You must also have "allow launching on-demand" button ticked.

    This will mean throughout the week your team can access the checklist via the "Start On Demand Checklist" button, complete some tasks and then save their progress. On the day the checklist needs to be submitted it will appear in their "Complete" tab and they can make final changes and submit the checklist.

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