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iOS/Android v2.1

New ways to add your charging rates

Updated over a week ago

There are a lot of different ways the cost of your charging sessions are calculated.

Some charging stations have a rate per kWh, some are based on the duration you charge. Some charge you a fixed rate per session and some are totally free. Sometimes the rate depends on when you exactly charge and sometimes the rate is calculated by using a combination of charging rates.

Up until now only a little part of all those cases were covered in EEVEE Mobility. But we have made it possible to cover all those scenarios in one go.

For this feature you need to have at least 
- iOS version: 2.1.X
- android version: 2.1.X

Setting or editing a charging rate

From now on you will be able to set a charging rate based on:

  1. A cost per usage (kWh)

    • Up to 4 different rates (NEW)

    • A schedule to define peak, off-peak, super off-peak, etc... (NEW)

    • Define days that differ from the standard scheme (NEW)

  2. A cost per duration

    • Per minute

    • Per 15 minutes

    • Per hour

  3. A cost per session

    • A fixed cost for every time you charge

  4. Free charging session

    • A free charging station, special promotion, etc...

Combining different types of rates (NEW)

In some situations applying only one rate is not sufficient. It is now also possible to combine different types of rates. You will be able to combine:

  • A cost per usage (kWh) + a session cost

  • A cost per usage (kWh) + a duration based cost

  • A cost per duration + a cost per usage (kWh)

  • ....

And best of all: you decide to which sessions the new rate apply

When changing the rate of a location the entire history of costs was changed according to your newly set rates. From now on you are in control and can decide what should happen when a location needs to be updated according to the new rates.

You will be given the option to apply the new rates

  • New sessions (NEW)

    • Applies to future charges at the location. All historical sessions remain unchanged.

  • From a specific day (NEW)

    • All charges after a chosen date are recalculated. Future charges use the new rate.

  • Between 2 dates (NEW)

    • All charges within a defined timeframe are recalculated, even if this is in the future.

  • Only this one (NEW)

    • The selected single session is recalculated. Other sessions at the location remain unchanged.

  • For all sessions

    • All historical charges will be recalculated. Future sessions will use the new rate.

    • This is the old behaviour and used to be applied by default

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