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Everything you need to know about conflicts on the schedule.

Updated over 11 months ago

Do you schedule a team member that is not available at that time, then you will see a conflict on the planning. You can recognise a conflict by the red lining around a shift.

You can recognise the type of conflict by hovering over it or by the emoji.

If your planning contains conflicts, then a button appears in the bottom right corner next to the search bar. If you click it, conflicts in the planning will be highlighted.

Conflict due to unavailability

The planning shows a conflict because you scheduled a team member that indicated not to be available for part of the day or the whole day. You can still schedule the team member to work even though they indicated not to be available.

The team member or the admin and manager can change the availability of the team member if necessary.

Conflict due to leave

The planning indicates a conflict because you scheduled a team member that is on leave that day. You recognise the type of conflict by the emoji πŸ›©οΈ.

Team members who are on leave can be found under the unproductive team members at the bottom of the planning. Clicking on the team member in the unproductive row will take you to the corresponding leave request.

You can assign the shift to a different team member, make it an open shift or delete the shift.

Conflict due to sickness

The planning indicates a conflict because you scheduled a team member that is sick that day. You recognise the type of conflict by the emoji πŸ€’.

Team members that are sick can be found under the unproductive team members at the bottom of the planning. You can report a team member sick in the Team panel. Keep in mind that it is not sufficient for the time registration to just report a team member sick on the planning. This also has to be registered correctly in the time registration. Read here how to do that.

You can assign the shift to a different team member, make it an open shift or delete the shift.

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