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Credit Pricing Tutorial (Multi List - Part 1)
Credit Pricing Tutorial (Multi List - Part 1)

How to set up a Credit-based Multi-List Program

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: This tutorial picks up at the Class Selection of the Program setup. To see the previous steps, see Credit Pricing Tutorial.

Class Selection

Select the following that applies:

  • Enrollees can pick their Class - Enable this setting to allow a Class calendar or list selection for one or more Classes from the Enroll Form. Otherwise, Class assignments will be made manually by you (Admin User) after enrollment.

  • Enrollees can re-schedule their Class - Enable this setting to allow Enrollees to re-schedule their Classes from within the Customer Portal.

Next, you can choose the Class view and how Enrollees can choose their Class. NOTE: The setting Enrollees can pick their Class MUST be enabled for the following view to display.

Select the Multi List Class view:

Various views under Class Selection in Enrollsy

Choose whether you want to require enrollment into a minimum or a maximum number of classes, and enter any Class selection instructions:

Enrollment requirement in list, week, and month views in Enrollsy

Under Pricing Logic, select # of Credits, which applies to pricing based on the number of credits selected. This requires setting the credit count for each class. Skip down to the Pricing Logic section below.

Class Selection Lists

With the Multi List View, you can do the following:

  • Create and set the Names of your List(s)

  • Determine any limits during enrollment, meaning you can set a minimum and maximum number of Classes that can be enrolled in within the list.

Add your Class Selection Lists by selecting "Add selection list," then clicking the plus button at the bottom. You can optionally set the upper and lower limits.

Add Class Selection List in Enrollsy

You can also include instructions under the Class Selection List that will appear on the Enroll Form.

Class Selection Examples

Some common use cases we have seen for Class Selection include the following:

  • Days of the Week

  • Levels / Grades (i.e., Grades K-5, etc.)

  • Subjects (i.e., Math, English, etc.)

  • Levels of Skill (Beginner, Intermediate, etc.)

  • Times (9 - 11 am Class, Lunch, etc.)

Re-Order Class Selection Lists

You can re-order the Class Selection Lists by clicking on the "Add/Remove selection list" then hovering over the dots and dragging them in the order you want them viewed in:


The number of Credits applies pricing based on the number of credits selected at the time of enrollment. You define what a "credit" costs and set the credit count for each Class. As people enroll, their total due will be calculated based on your credit categories and the pricing you've set.

number of credits pricing logic in Enrollsy

Choose either Fixed Cost or Subscription under Program Cost.

choose program cost to enter pricing in Enrollsy

In the next part of this two-part support article, you will learn how to set up Enrollment parameters and your costs. Click here for that support article.

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