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Credit Pricing Tutorial

How to set up a Credit-based Program for List, Week, and Month Views

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 5 months ago

Need to set up a Program with pricing for Classes based on Credits? Enrollsy can do that!

Program Options

The first step in setting up a program is to create your Program Options. Please take a look at this support article for instructions if you haven't done that yet.

Enrollment Model

You will need to set up your Program with the Classes Enrollment Model. The Classes model applies pricing based on Class selection during enrollment or Class assignment by an Admin User after enrollment.

Classes Enrollment Model in Enrollsy

Class Selection

Select the following that applies:

  • Enrollees can pick their Class - Enable this setting to allow a Class calendar or list selection for one or more Classes from the Enroll Form. Otherwise, Class assignments will be made manually by you (Admin User) after enrollment.

  • Enrollees can re-schedule their Classes - Enable this setting to allow Enrollees to re-schedule their Classes from within the Customer Portal.

Next, you can choose the Class view and how Enrollees can choose their Class. NOTE: The setting Enrollees can pick their Class MUST be enabled for the following view to display.

  • List View (pick from one list)

  • Multi List View (pick from several labeled lists)

  • Week View (pick from a week-view calendar

  • Month View (pick from a month-view calendar

The first three views above have a similar creation experience. The last one is a bit different, as outlined in this article.

list, week, and month view class selection in Enrollsy

Choose whether you want to require enrollment into a minimum or a maximum number of classes, and enter any Class selection instructions:

Enrollment requirement in list, week, and month views in Enrollsy


Under Pricing, choose # of Credits. This applies pricing based on the number of credits enrolled. You define a "credit" and set the credit count for each Class. As people enroll, their total due will be calculated based on your credit categories and the pricing you've set.

number of credits pricing logic in Enrollsy

Program Cost

Under Pricing, choose either Fixed Cost or Subscription under Program Cost.

choose program cost to enter pricing in Enrollsy

Enrollment Parameters

Next, you will need to set up your Credits Categories to start building your pricing. Click the plus button to add one or more categories:

enrollment parameters in Enrollsy

Enter the credit category and Save. Check the box beside the credit category to enable it to be visible. In this example, our Credit Category is Enrichment FT and Enrichment PT.

Set Enrollment parameters in Credits-based Program in Enrollsy

Next, you will need to start building your pricing based on the number of credits enrolled for each credit category. Click the plus button to enter the minimum and maximum credits.

Set Enrollment parameters in Credits-based Program in Enrollsy

Total Program Cost

Then you can add the Total Program Cost, such as Registration and/or Tuition. Click here to learn more about Total Program Cost.

Click the blue plus/minus button to add or remove Charge Items. Click here to learn how to add new Charge Items.

To add more pricing options, click the plus button.

Adding Enrollment Fees in Credit-based Program in Enrollsy

Payment Plans

You can also add any Payment Plans for each of your pricing options. NOTE: Any Payment Plans added to one will affect ALL.

See the following support articles for more information on each of the different types of Payment Plans:

Add Credits to Classes

The last (but important) step is to add the Credit Category to EACH Class in the Program. To do this, head to the Classes page and click on the down arrow beside the Class, then the pencil icon.

Next, scroll down to the "Price" section and click "Add/Remove Credits Category" to add the same credit category you added in the Enrollment Parameters section. Also, be sure to add the number of credits for this Class, i.e., "1."

Click save to save the changes. Be sure to add these credit categories to EACH Class in the Program!

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