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How to Print an Enroll Form

For those who use E-signature Documents, there are two ways to print

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to print an Enroll Form. Which method you choose depends on whether you use our E-Signature Document feature or not. If you DO use the E-Signature, skip to this section: Print from Documents Page.

Print from the Account page

If you DON'T use the E-signature feature, just need the Account and/or Enrollee information from the Enroll Form, and don't need it to look pretty, then you can print it this way. Follow these steps:

  1. Account Page - Head over to the Account by typing in the Account Holder's name or Enrollee in the search bar. You can also click on the Account from the Classes page or Enrollee table.

    search for account in search bar in Enrollsy
  2. Print - Scroll down to the very bottom and click the Print button

    print Account information in Enrollsy

  3. Print Preview - In the Print Preview, you may have to make some adjustments to the layout, paper size, margins, and/or scale. You can then either send it to your printer or print it as a PDF.

print account information in Enrollsy

Create a Mail Merge

You can also use Mail Mergic to use the data collected from your Enroll Form to create, print, or email a customized PDF. Click here for a support article about this integration tool and how to use it.

Print from Documents Page

NOTE: This is ONLY for those who use the E-Signature Document feature

If you need the Enroll Form to download as a PDF document, you are using our E-signature feature, (and you want it to look "pretty"), then print it like this:

  1. Head over to the Documents page. You can get there in multiple ways:

    • The Enrollee's Tab (search for their name in the search bar, then click on the name to go to their Timeline. Click "Go to" inside the appropriate Enrollment box, then click Document.

      Go to > Documents in Enrollsy
    • Click on Enrollees (or whatever you call this, i.e., Students, Children, etc.) on the left menu, then Documents.

    • Click on the Notification symbol (a bell) in the upper-right corner and click on Documents. If you haven't yet set up this Notification, click here.

  2. On the Documents page, find your Document (if you need help with this, this support article shows you how to search for Documents).

  3. Click on the Enrollee to the left to see the Documents for that Account/Enrollee/Enrollment.

  4. Next, click on the name of the Document you want to print to download it to your computer. When it downloads, open it up to either send it to your printer or print it as a PDF.

print document as download from Enrollsy

NOTE: Read this article for a trick if you have multiple documents to print.

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