After you have created your E-signature Document, you will need to attach it to the Program(s) it belongs to. If you have not yet created this Document, learn how to do that here. E-signature documents are automatically sent when someone enrolls in the Program the Document is attached to. Follow these steps to attach the E-signature Document to a Program:
Step 1 - Select Program(s)
Head to the Program page and click on the pencil icon of the Program you want to attach the Document to. To attach it to more than one Program, select the Programs on the left (or select all) and click the bulk update button (see below).
Step 2 - Attach to Enroll Form
Select "Enroll Form" on the left menu or scroll down to the Enroll Form settings. Click on E-signature Documents (you may need to click the toggle button to turn this on if you are adding the Document to multiple Programs). Select the Document you previously created from the dropdown list:
Step 3 - Save
Click the Save button to save your settings.
After this is finished, everyone who enrolls in that Program will be sent an email asking them to sign the Document. If they DO NOT sign it, they will be sent a reminder email every 3 days.
Admins can also manually send the e-signature email anytime. Click here to learn more about sending E-signature Documents.