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If Something Isn’t Right

Learn how to get help when you come across issues

Caroline Hilton avatar
Written by Caroline Hilton
Updated over a week ago

Enrollsy is built to automate your enrollment and billing process as much as possible. Ideally, when someone enrolls with you, their payment plans run automatically and you don't need to think about anything. Sometimes your customers will get off the normal path and you will manually need to intervene.

When you notice something isn't right, we have a few options for you.

Review Our Resources

Reference the Manual Interventions Article Collection and review our library of resources. We have hundreds of articles, videos, and FAQs about most scenarios. Simply select the "Support" icon at the left-hand side of your Admin Screen.

Chat In for Help

Our support team is available and ready to help from 7 am - 5 pm MST Monday through Friday. Automated support is available 24-7.

Schedule a Meeting

We have a paid support meeting option for those who have finished their implementations more than 90 days ago. These support meetings are for more use-case-specific questions, training, or set-up questions that Enrollsy clients want hands-on help with. We conduct these meetings using Zoom so we can be as helpful as possible. Paid support meetings are either 30 minutes ($40 - schedule now) or 60 minutes ($75 - schedule now). Payment for these meetings will need to be made at the time you schedule using a credit/debit card.

We also have a free annual (once-per-year) account review. This meeting is a time for us to check in with each other and see how things are going. They are 30 minutes long (schedule now) and can be used for anything you wish.

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