Sometimes you may need to add a Document to an individual Account, whether it is a Required Document or an E-signature Document. Here's how to add a Document to an Account to be signed, downloaded, or uploaded.
Required Document
You can view Enrollee's Documents on the Documents Page. There are two ways to get to the Documents page:
Account/Enrollee Page > Go To > Documents
On a particular Account page, click on the Enrollee page (with the Enrollee's name at the top). Then click on "Go to" under the Enrollee's enrollment, then "Documents."
Enrollees > Documents Tab
Click on "Enrollees" (or whatever you call them, i.e., "Students," etc.) on the left menu bar. Then click on the "Documents" tab at the top.
Once you are on the Documents page, follow these steps to view Documents for specific Enrollees:
Step 1 - Filter
You can filter in the "Type to Filter" space in the following ways:
Enrollee name - Enrollee's first or last name
Account name - Account Holder's first or last name
Program Options - One of your Program Options (i.e, the name of one of your programs)
Step 2 - Select Enrollees
Click on the Enrollee's name to get to their Document page.
Step 3 - Add the Document(s)
Next, click the "Add Document" icon to the right and choose one of your Required Documents from the dropdown menu. NOTE: Only the current list of Required Documents created will show in this list.
Click "Add" to add the Document to the Account.
All Documents added to an Account will show up on a red banner within the Customer Portal. For forms that need to be downloaded, a "Download" option will show. For those that need to be uploaded, an "Upload" option will show. E-signature Documents will say "check email" as all E-signature Documents are sent to the signer's email addresses.
E-signature Document
To send Documents out manually, after enrollment, you'll need to head over to the Documents page (Enrollees on left menu > Documents tab) and then follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Filter Enrollee
Filter by Enrollee name or Program option:
Step 2 - Select Enrollee
Select the Enrollee you want to send the Document(s) to:
Step 3 - Add Document(s)
Add the Document(s) to an individual Enrollee by clicking on the blue Document icon and adding the Document:
Add the Document(s) to multiple Enrollees by selecting the Enrollees on the left, then clicking the plus/Document button:
NOTE: When you manually add an E-signature Document, that Document is automatically emailed to the recipient the moment it is added. You can send reminders to Signers; learn how here.