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Photo Galleries

Tools > Photo Galleries

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over 4 months ago

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This tool allows you to create and edit photo galleries for your website.

Table of Content

How To Create a Photo Gallery

In order to create a photo gallery, there are 4-6 steps.

  • Step 1: Click on the "Tools" menu.

  • Step 2: Click on the "Photo Gallery" menu.

  • Step 3: Type in a name for your new photo gallery.

  • Step 4 (Optional): Mark the "Group Share" checkbox so your gallery can be added in the "Shared Galleries" section.

    • Other websites within your group can add the shared gallery in their tool through this section.

  • Step 5 (Optional): Connect your photo gallery to a Facebook Album - or a photo album on your Facebook account / page.

    • This option is only available if you connected your Facebook account to the back-end of your website through the "Facebook Connect" tool.

    • At least one photo album needs to be created and available on your Facebook account / page before you can use this option.

  • Step 6 - Click the "Add Gallery" button to add the gallery.

Admin View:

How To Edit a Photo Gallery

In order to open a photo gallery to edit it, just click on the photo gallery's name.

Listed below are the options for a photo gallery:

  1. Add Photo to Gallery - An option to upload one photo / image to your gallery at a time. Though optional, you can also set up captions for it.

    1. If you need to upload multiple photos / images in one upload, refer to #3.

  2. Sort Photos - An option to manually rearrange your photos / images in your gallery.

  3. Batch Upload Photos - An option to upload up to 20 photos / images at a time.

    1. If you need to upload just one photo / image, refer to #1.

  4. Gallery Settings - An section to edit the settings for the gallery. The same settings can also be found by clicking the "Gear" icon next to the gallery in the main "Photo Galleries" tool.

    1. Click here for details on the settings.

  5. Cover Photo - An option to set a photo / image as a cover for the gallery. It can be seen when viewing the list of galleries in the Photos page on your website.

    • You can take it off as the cover by clicking the "Clear Cover Photo" button at the bottom of the page then clicking "Save Changes".

  6. Photo Details - A collapsible section containing fields to add or edit the caption and link for a specific photo / image.

  7. Facebook Status - An option to connect a photo to the gallery's linked Facebook Album. This will only appear if the photo was not linked in the album yet.

  8. Visible - An option to enable or disable the visibility of a photo in the photo gallery.

  9. Trash Bin Icon - Clicking on this icon will allow you to delete the photo / image of your choice. Once it is deleted, there will be no way to get it back.

Editing the Photo Gallery's Settings

To access a photo gallery's settings, you can do either of the following:

  • In the main "Photo Galleries" tool, click the gear icon next to a gallery in the list.

  • When editing a photo gallery, click the "Gallery Settings" box.

Listed below are the options available for Gallery Details:

  • Share Gallery to Group - Enabling this adds this to the "Shared Galleries" tool so it can be shared with the other websites within your group.

  • Connect to Facebook Album - Connect your photo gallery to a Facebook Album - or a photo album on your Facebook account / page.

    • This option is only available if you connected your Facebook account to the back-end of your website through the "Facebook Connect" tool.

    • At least one photo album needs to be created and available on your Facebook account / page before you can use this option.

  • Gallery Name - The option to change the gallery's name.

  • Gallery URL - The option to change the gallery's URL / page slug.

  • Sort Order - An option to change the Sort Order for the gallery. Can be set to Default, Oldest to Newest, or Newest to Oldest. Leave it to Default if you wish to manually rearrange the photos / images.

  • Visibility - An option to hide or un-hide the gallery from users on the website.

Here are the options for Gallery Ratings:

  • Allow users to vote on photos? - The field to enable or disable the ability for users to vote on photos / images in the gallery.

  • Rating Style - The field to change the rating style for photos / images. Can be set to Single Vote Button, Rating 1-10, Star 1-5, or Thumbs Up/Down.

  • Vote Limit - The field to adjust the limit for the amount of times users can vote on photos / images.

    • Only available for Single Vote Button.

  • Vote Frequency - The field to adjust the frequency to how many times users can vote in relation to the Vote Limit.

    • Only available for Single Vote Button.

  • Vote Count Visibility - The field to enable or disable the visibility of votes on the photo gallery's page. Regardless of which one you set it to, you can still view the vote in the back-end when editing the gallery.

    • Only available for Single Vote Button.

Sharing Photo Galleries

To add any Shared Galleries to your other sites, you must click the View Shared
​Galleries button then add the galleries to your site.

If the Share option was not enabled for a gallery, you can follow the steps below.

Sharing Photo Galleries on Facebook

To share photos / images on Facebook, create a new gallery with an album selected within the "Connect to Facebook Album" field (as shown below and highlighted in Step 5 at the top of the article). Before you can create the connection to the album, you need to check two things:

  • See if your Facebook account is connected to the back-end of your website.

    • The "Connect to Facebook Album" field will not be available if the connection to the account was not made yet.

    • On how to connect your Facebook account to the back-end, click here.

  • Check if you created a Facebook album you plan to use to connect your gallery to.

If a gallery was already made and it is not connect to a Facebook album yet, you can get it connected through the gallery's settings. Its settings can be accessed by either of the following:

  • Clicking the "Gear" icon next to the gallery in the "Photo Galleries" tool.

  • Clicking the "Gallery Settings" drop-down box when editing the gallery.

Settings Accessed with the "Gear" Icon

Settings Accessed with the "Gallery Settings" Drop-Down Box

If the photos / images do not share on Facebook, please contact us at 217-239-0975 or at

Photo Contest

The best way to do a photo contest:

Step 1 - Create a photo gallery for the contest.

Step 2 - Click the "Gear" icon or the name of the gallery to find and open the settings.

Step 3 - Hide the photo gallery.

Settings Accessed with the "Gear" Icon

Settings Accessed with the "Gallery Settings" Drop-Down Box

Step 4 - Create a custom form that allows photo / image uploads and connect it to your gallery. Once created, you can add it on your contest page.

  • For details on how to create a custom form, click here.

Step 5 - Create a slider graphic for your flash gallery / image slider. Link this image to the page with the contest details and the custom form. Let people enter all the way up to your deadline.

  • For details on how to add an image to a flash gallery / image slider, click here.

Step 6 - Use the "Schedule" option for your "Custom Form" stack item to set up a schedule / deadline for it.

  • Setting up a schedule for the stack item will make it automatically enable / disable without the need to do it manually.

    • Once disabled, no one can make more submissions to the form.

Step 7 - Go back to the photo gallery's settings, then un-hide your photo gallery and enable voting.

  • Note: You can later disable voting in the settings so people can't vote more on photos in the gallery.

Settings Accessed with the "Gear" Icon

Settings Accessed with the "Gallery Settings" Drop-Down Box

Step 8 - Create a graphic that now links the viewers over to the photo gallery to vote on their favorite photo.

*Friendly tip: You could add sponsors to this contest page or gallery page.

  • For details on how to add an image to a flash gallery / image slider, click here.

If you need further help with Photo Galleries you can e-mail us at or call us at 217-239-0975

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