The ESHYFT calculator is a calculator available in the facility manager web app, which helps you understand the nurse hourly pay rate and facility hourly bill rate. You can compare various payment methods simultaneously to select the best one for your facility.
You can access the ESHYFT calculator by:
Logging in to
Going to Settings
Navigating to the ESHYFT Calculator tab
You can also find it by going to this link
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the calculator:
What would you like to calculate?
This section lets you select what you'd like to calculate:
the nurse hourly pay rate - how much nurses will get paid
the facility hourly bill rate - how much you will be billed
Depending on how you facility operates, you may be more comfortable using one rate or the other, regardless of whichever one you use, you have full transparency to see and understand both.
Selecting your state
By default we show the state your facility is located in, but you can also select from other states that ESHYFT currently operates in. As you select different states, you can see how the breakdown costs change, especially the payroll taxes, which are state-specific.
Selecting your hourly rate
Depending on the rate you selected in the toggle, you can enter the nurse hourly pay rate or the facility hourly bill rate.
Comparing payment methods
You have 3 options for payment methods with ESHYFT:
bank account - 1%
credit card - 3.5%
offline payment - depends on contract terms
You can click between these to see how different payment methods affect the nurse hourly pay rate or the facility hourly bill rate
Breakdown cost
The breakdown cost shows a transparent breakdown of what you can expect to get billed for a hour of work by an ESHYFT nurse.
It includes:
The nurse hourly pay rate - the hourly rate that a nurse is going to get paid
Payroll taxes - payroll taxes and expenses incurred by ESHYFT due to our nurses being W2 employees, including FICA, FUI, SUI, and others. These may differ from one state to the next.
ESHYFT fee - fee for using ESHYFT for your staffing needs, a percentage of the nurse hourly pay rate
Processing fee - fee for processing payment, differs depending on the payment method used
bank account - 1%
credit card - 3.5%
offline payment - depends on contract terms