The Ready To Bill view allows a user to see what movements are ready to be invoiced so they can be used to create a tax invoice or an bi-monthly/end of month statement during the Month End process.
For movements to appear as transactions so they can be invoiced, the OK to Bill indicator must be checked.
Ready to Bill – shows if a movement has met the criteria for transactions to be available to move to OK to Bill. Set by the system
OK to Bill - indicates the criteria set for Ready to Bill has been met and the movement's transactions can be displayed for invoicing. This is set by the user. Cannot be selected if the movement is not Ready to Bill - editable
Job num – job number
Total Amount - cost for the leg in a movement - editable
Total Extra Charges - additional charges added to the movement e.g. Toll, Farrier, Training
Invoice Note -addition al information about the movement charge that will appear on the month end statement.
Charge To - who the movement has been charged to (client or horse)
Horse - Horse being moved
Pickup – time the horse has to be picked up - editable
From – where the horse is being picked up from
Required By – date/time the horse has to be delivered - editable
Deliver to – where the horse is being delivered to