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Set up work for trackwork and exercises
Set up work for trackwork and exercises

Create work section and items for trackwork grid

Written by Leanne Munt
Updated over 8 months ago

There are two new system Work profiles that require work section(s) and work item(s) to be added to the system before the work can be allocated to a horse.

  • Trackwork

  • Exercises

Both are system work profiles and cannot be deleted.

To add work that can then be allocated on the trackwork and exercise grid go to Settings then scroll down to Work Profiles.

Trackwork Work profile set up

  • Click on Trackwork and select Edit from the table menu.

  • Set Grouping to Profile.

  • A filter can be set so that only certain types of horses appear in the trackwork grid for work to be allocated.
    Select Horse type for the filter then select the types of horses to be added to the filter. Once this is done select Update work profile to save the changes.

Exercises work profile set up

  • Click on Exercises in the table and select Edit.

  • Set Grouping to Section.

  • A filter can be set so that only certain types of horses appear in the trackwork grid for work to be allocated.
    Select Horse type for the filter then select the types of horses to be added to the filter. Once this is done select Update work profile to save the changes.

After the Work profiles are set up, go to Work Sections and Work Items to add work for trackwork and exercises.

A Work section is a description that covers the type of work items that will be found in it. e.g. A work section under the work profile Trackwork called Work will contain the types of work a horse does during trackwork such as trot, gallop, pace work etc. Under Exercises some examples of work sections are Treadmill, Swim, Water Walker.

Once the work sections are added and linked to the appropriate Work profile, go to Work items and add the items required under each work section.

Other work profiles can also be set up such as Farrier or Chiropractor. Adding work profiles allows a user to add more than one work item at the same time which can speed up the process of adding work to horses.

Work items cannot be invoiced out. They have an amount of $0.00 attached to them. If work needs to be invoiced, then a procedure should be used.

Once set up, the Work section table will show the Work Profile, Work section and work items attached.

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