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Managing organisation teams
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Written by Euryka AI
Updated over 4 months ago

The Team feature in Euryka's Account Management centralises collaboration for multi-user subscribers. It organises employees, freelancers, and external collaborators into teams, assigning specific roles within the Organisation workspace. Based on their roles, individuals can access and manage content and settings, as well as create and manage project teams, assigning roles to project assets as needed.

The number of team members depends on your subscription plan. Each team member receives an onboarding email to join the team. Once added, they can access role-based workspaces: an Organisation workspace for collaborative projects and a Personal workspace for privately managing their tasks. Freelancers and external collaborators can switch between multiple Organisation and Personal workspaces for different organisations they are collaborating with.

Adding an Organisation team member

  1. Click your profile at the bottom of the sidebar menu.

  2. Click Account.

  3. Click Team.

  4. Click New members at the top right.

  5. Enter the team member's Email to send an invite that they must accept to join the team.

  6. Under Role, select from the following options:

    • Owner: The organisation can designate more than one Owner. Owners have comprehensive control over workspace permissions. They can add and remove team members, assign and change roles, access all projects, and manage project content. They can also manage Organisation settings and Subscription plans.

    • Primary Owner: The person who created the Organisation workspace. This role is identical to 'Owner' and is used solely to identify the workspace creator.

    • Editor: Editors can access assigned projects and manage project content. They can add, edit, and archive project content, add and remove team members, and assign and change roles.

    • Reader: Readers can only create content for the projects assigned to them.

  7. Click Invite.

    After sending an invitation to a new member, they will go through the following three-step onboarding process:

    1. Welcome Email: The new team member will receive a welcome email containing a link to Euryka with options to log in or sign up.

    2. Login/Sign-up: The team member should click Continue to proceed to the login screen. They can log in with existing credentials or create a new account by selecting Sign up with email and using their work or personal email.

      • ​Note: Freelancers and external collaborators assigned to a project can log in using either their work email (if provided by the organisation) or their personal Google credentials.

    3. Workspace Invite Email: Upon login, the team member will see the Workspace Invite popup window. Clicking Accept adds them to the team and creates a dedicated organisation workspace accessible to all team members added by the Owner.

Changing an Organisation team member's role

  1. Click your profile at the bottom of the sidebar menu.

  2. Click Account.

  3. Click Team.

  4. Under Role, select a new role.


  • Only 'Owner' or 'Editor' can change Organisation team members' roles.

  • 'Primary Owner' role cannot be changed.

Removing a person from the Organisation team

  1. Click your profile at the bottom of the sidebar menu.

  2. Click Account.

  3. Click Team.

  4. Click the three dots next to the team member's name to remove.

  5. On the Actions menu, click Delete.

What happens when an Organisation team member is removed?

  • When a person is removed from the Organisation team, they lose access to the Organisation workspace. However, they retain access to their personal workspace.

  • Removing a user from the Organisation workspace does not delete their content. The content remains accessible to all other users in the workspace.

  • The organisation's 'Primary Owner' or 'Owner' can reassign the seat to another user, ensuring all available seats are filled and the subscription is fully utilised.


  • Only 'Owner' and 'Editor' can add and remove team members.

  • Personal workspaces are available exclusively to subscribed users for creating private project content. These workspaces are ideal for freelancers and external collaborators, enabling them to manage their projects across various clients while simultaneously contributing to assigned tasks for the current organisation.

  • Organisation team roles override all other roles. For example, 'Owner' can add, edit, and archive project content regardless of their Project team role.

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