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Provision and edit users

This is a guide on how to provision and edit users.

Laura Heo avatar
Written by Laura Heo
Updated over a week ago

Who is this article for?


After you finish this article, you will be able to:

  • Provision new users

  • Send invitations to new users

  • Edit the details of existing users

Provision a new user

To provision a new user:

  1. Open the drop down menu located in the top left of the screen as seen below and select the Settings option.

  2. Click on the Users tab located on the left hand side

  3. Select the green + icon to create a new user

  4. Complete the user form fields:


Must match the user's company email address


Select the authentication method your organisation uses. You can check this by opening an existing user's profile.

Send invitation to user?

Yes: Sends an invitation via email as soon as you save the form. Choose this if you wish to grant access to the new user immediately, for example if your organisation is already running regular pulse surveys.

No: Does not send an invitation via email. Choose this if you do not wish to grant access immediately, for example if your organisation has not yet launched Everperform.


First and last name as it will appear in the application


If left blank, the username will be created automatically (recommended)

Job title

Job title as it will appear in the application


The user's role type. This will determine the user's permissions within the app.


The user's managers; more than one can be selected


The user's subordinates. The user will be able to view the Performance Passports of their subordinates.


Any teams that the user belongs to (e.g. service lines, locations, partner teams)


Any labels that your organisation uses to organise users

5. Click 'Invite'. Note: if you selected "No" when asked to send invitation, an invitation will not be sent.

Your newly provisioned user will appear under the Invited tab on the user settings page. Once they accept their email invitation (if sent) or are manually confirmed by an administrator using the action buttons, they will appear under the Active tab.

Edit a user

To edit a user:

  1. Open the drop down menu located in the top left of the screen as seen below and select the Settings option.

  2. Click on the Users tab located on the left hand side

  3. Use the Search bar to find the user

  4. In the Actions column, click the third icon (Edit user)

  5. Make your changes to the user's profile. Refer to the form fields table in the section above for more information

  6. Click Update

The user's profile has now been updated.

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