Creating Reports:
When creating reports you have complete control over what is contained within the report. Here we will walk you through the process of creating a report and the associated options you have when doing so.
Step 1 - Finding the Reports Page:
Navigate to the Reports Feature located on the left navigation bar
Step 2 - Creating a New Report:
Click on the Report builder tab and then click on the New Report button located in the top right corner of the page
Step 3 - Report Details:
The first step when creating a report is to define the details (i.e Name, description, users etc.). The fields are defined as follows:
Name: This is the report name as it applies across the board i.e End of Year Review, this name will be visible to anyone who has access to this report and can be a useful way of quickly identifying exactly what is contained within.
Description: Here you can expand on any details that may be left out of the name, for instance the End of Year review process contains both self and others ratings and as such the description provides further detail. I.e This report contains feedback from the Team Member, their Direct Manager and at least one counterpart)
Report Type: Defining the reports type is important for exactly what information you are looking to include in the report.
360 Review - This report will contain any feedback or observations given to the user by both themselves and any contemporaries, for our End of Year Review example this is the Type we will be selecting.
Self Review - This report will limit all results to only those provided by the Team Member across the time period, showing you the Trends and performance over time.
Snapshot - A snapshot report will take a moment in time “snapshot” of users current status with Feedback Scores, Goal Completion and Measures Progress as well as any observations received up to this point. These reports are useful for catch ups or to check in on a team member.
Period: This is the date range the report will be generated for, you can either use one of the preset options found on the left or a custom period you have defined.
User Selection: Under the user selection you can define which users will have the report generated for them, whether it be all individuals, members of a certain team or a specific group defined by their labels you are able to easily create hundreds of reports with a single click.
Step 4 - Configuring Report Data:
Once the details of the report have been set it is time to save and move onto configuring the reports contents.
Upon saving you will be redirected to a Preview of the Report as it stands with no customisation, this preview enables you to see exactly what the report will contain for each reportee you have chosen. When creating reports such as the Snapshot or Self Review, you may be happy with the content of the report as is (the default is for all data for a given period). However if you wish to further filter the content of the report you can do so on the configuration page.
To begin configuring the reports contents select the Configure button found in the top right corner of the page.
Step 5 - Configuration Page:
Down the left side of the screen you will find the different areas you can customise to best suit your needs
Pulses: If you wish to only include feedback data from specific pulses (such as end of year review or 360 requests) you can do so here, simply select each pulse you would like to include in the report.
Factor Types: Factor Types are the highest level of categorisation available for feedback in the Everperform Application. You can choose to include or ignore entire areas of feedback such as weekly feedback from the Lead Indicators factor type if it is not applicable to your desired report.
Factor Categories: Factor Categories provide you with a slightly more refined selection than Factor Types, categories will often go through phases of applicability and as such it can be extremely useful to define specifically which areas you wish to view results for.
Measures: With reporting on measures you have two levels of choice. Firstly you can select whether or not to include measures in your report simply by toggling to the switch at the top of the page. Secondly if measures are included in the report you are able to filter which ones appear on the report to ensure only applicable data is shown. I.e Billable Hours results may be required but Daily Steps taken is not.
Goals/Observations: Much like Measures, Goals and Observations can be filtered to either be shown or hidden within the report.
Note: When filtering feedback results to specific Pulses any observations included in the report will be limited to those made in the Pulses themselves regardless of timeframe.
Step 5.5 - Removing Filters:
If at any point you would like to remove a filter you have applied to a report you can do so on the configuration page. By simply selecting the red Bin icon to the right of the desired filter you can remove the associated filter.
Step 6 - Sharing Reports:
Once you are happy with the report you can Share it with all desired users. Simply navigate to the report on the report builder page, then once selected, click the Share button found at the top of the page
From here you can select the appropriate users with whom to share the report.
Myself: All reports will be shared with yourself.
Managers:Each report will be shared with managers of each user.
Admins: All reports will be shared with all admins.
Reportees: Each report will be shared with each reportee.
Users: All reports will be shared with selected users.
This information can be updated at any time allowing you to share the reports with Managers. Give them time to prepare for then conduct 1-1 sessions with their team members. Then a week later share the reports with those team members individually.
Viewing Reports
Any reports you have access to - through the sharing of others, or by creating your own - can be found under available reports.
Here you will find a list of all reports you have access to, along with key information to help you discern exactly what each report contains.
i.e as we see below we have our End of Year Review Report for Chauncey.
It also tells us that this is a 360 review that was created on the 23rd of September 2020. The user who created this report (and as such who you can enquire about changes additions etc.) happens to also be Chauncey.
Upon selecting this report we are directed to the following page displaying the report and any included information.