Exsalerate lets you see all the communications you have with contacts/people and companies/clients
Exsalerate links a Person with a Company/Client profile recording their position, level of influence in the business, and any other important information
Add Company
Click Add Company on the left side of your screen, and type in the company name
Add the Person you first engaged with including their Title and level of decision making to create a contact profile
Recording your First Activity
Now choose the Phase you want Acme Corp to occupy in the sales pipeline (leads)
Specify the 1st Activity you’ve executed (Scope Proposal) and enter notes that relate to that activity for future reference
To set up the type of activities your team will undertake click here
Click Save and Exsalerate creates both the company/client (Acme Corp) and contact (Bob Plumins) record
An activity window pops open and here you have the opportunity to add more notes if required, click Done as you have now completed this activity
A follow-up activity prompt will appear, choose the type of activity you wish to schedule, add any notes and click Todo
A Contact profile for Bob Plummins saves against the Company Profile along with the completed activity - scope proposal