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Coverage Details

Learn about what is and isn't covered at Fair
What does Fair™ cover?Learn what Fair coverage can do for you
What if my car has a remaining manufacturer's warranty and I need repairs?Who covers repairs first.
Does Fair™ cover multiple repairs?Learn how Fair protects you at every turn.
What’s not covered under Fair™?Learn what Fair is not responsible for.
Can I use Fair™ at any repair shop?Learn where to go
Is roadside assistance included?Learn about additional perks with Fair
Are parts and labor covered?What costs we cover in the process
What is a teardown?How we do deep dives and why.
Do I get a rental car if my car is in the shop?How rental cars work
Are there limits on claims?
Can I transfer my coverage to a new owner?
Is there a mileage limit for coverage?
What makes a good or bad policy?What makes a good warranty versus a bad warranty?
Existing Owner VSCHere is the sample contract for the customer who is buying a policy for a vehicle they already own.
New Owner VSCHere is the sample contract for the customer who is purchasing a policy for a new vehicle.
Do You Cover EVs or Electric Cars?