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Basic Setup

Entering basic info, rooms, children, and staff

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 9 months ago

Just getting started with Famly? We understand there's quite a bit of information input to tackle initially. But don't worry β€” we've organized everything into manageable sections for you. This article will help you navigate through your Basic setup, so let's dive in and set things up smoothly together!

To access the Basics:

  • Click on Basics in the Setup guide you will land on under "Good morning, [your name] πŸ‘‹"

Check out the video below to get an overview of the Basics in our in-app Setup guide:

Basic info

In Basic info, you can enter the fundamentals of your center. This includes things like:

  • Your center's name

  • Your center's address

  • The main contact person for your center

  • Your center's phone number

  • Your center's email address

  • Your TIN (Tax Identification Number)

  • Your center's opening hours

You can also enter any closure days and attach a link to your privacy policy on your website.

You can update and amend all the information in this section whenever you'd like by clicking on Edit at the top.


In the Rooms section, you're able to manage your classrooms and add or delete them. To add a new classroom, enter the name in the text field and click on Add new Classroom.

To make changes to a classroom, click on the wheel cog icon. Here, you'll be able to add:

  • A picture for the classroom

  • Any information about this classroom

  • A phone number for the classroom

  • The classroom capacity (maximum number of children that should be in that classroom)

  • Staff ratio (how many children per staff member)

  • Whether parents must enter the expected pickup person and time to check children into this room

You can also decide which statuses staff members can apply to children in this classroom. Choose between:

  • Nap times

  • Diaper change and toilet visits

  • Cream

  • Washing hands

  • Register temperature

In the Upcoming classroom moves tab, you'll be able to see a list of all upcoming classroom moves at your center. You can set up Classroom move rules by clicking on Settings and selecting Classroom move rules.

To add a new Classroom move rule, click on New rule and set the specifics of your rule. You can choose a room for children to move to once they reach a certain age or on a specific date after reaching a certain age.


Over in the Children section, you can add children, import children, invite their parents or contacts and filter for current, upcoming or withdrawn children.

For more information on adding children to your center, check out the article below:


In the Staff section, you can add employees, assign them to a classroom, change their role or permissions and add new roles.

For more information on how to add a staff member to your center, check out the article below:

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