If you are looking to understand more about your fans and analyse your transaction history, using the report feature is going to be incredibly useful. This way, you can really understand your buyers' history on a deeper level.
To find your transaction reports, click on 'Reports' on the left-hand side of the dashboard, and then click on 'Transactions'.
Once you have done this, you will be taken to the Transaction Reports page, where you can choose what the time frame you want to view the transactions from. You can then view the transaction report either on the website by clicking 'view report' or you can save the report to your laptop / phone by clicking the 'download report' button.
You will then be able to view every transactions...
order number
parent order
transaction date / time
fan name
fan email
order type
payment type
payment provided
payment provider reference
promo name
promo code
order value
transaction fee
fanbase fee
fanbase fee tax
net revenue
After this, you will be able to view the history of transaction report requests by clicking on Reports and then 'Export History'
If you have any questions about viewing Transaction Reports, don't hesitate to contact us at support@fanbaseclub.com