Memberships are an effective way to boost your revenue and create a closer relationship with your fans.
With Fanbase, you can create and have memberships available in minutes and here is how;
1. From your dashboard, select memberships on the left-hand side (if this option is not there, please contact us via the intercom bubble in the bottom right)
2. Once on the membership screen, select 'create membership' button on the top right hand corner.
3. Then, fill out the name of the membership, the description and upload the logo you'd like to use.
4. Next, you can set up your billing, select whether you would like annual, monthly or weekly billing and set the amount!
5. Finally, fill in your membership benefits, we can automate discounts on match tickets, season tickets and events but fill in any other benefit you are planning on offering and this will be displayed to the fans when viewing in the fan app.
Make sure you click publish and save then you are set up and ready to go! If you would like a visual guide on how to create a membership then please see below!