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What is a volume discount bundle and how to create it?
What is a volume discount bundle and how to create it?

Steps on creating a volume discount bundle offer.

Updated over a week ago

Volume discount bundle is a type of bundle offered by Fast Bundle.

In this bundle type, you set some "options" so customers get a specified discount in the option if buy a specified number of products in the option. All of the options you make can be gathered in a "Volume discount" Bundle.

To create a "Volume discount" bundle, follow these steps:

1) Tap on the "Create new bundles" button on the home page.

2) Choose "Volume discount" from the options.

3) Add the product from the "Discounted products" section and determine whether you want to assign this discount to "All products" or "A collection" from your Shopify collections or just to "A specific product".(Only "A specific product" is available on the free plan)

4) In the "Discount options" section, you can choose the number of required products and the discount type to be applied to your bundle. Also, if you turn on the checkbox in this section, the discount of the highest tier will be applied if the customer selects more items than the required number in the highest tier.

It is available to define the first discount option with 1 required item and the "No Discount" discount type.

This feature is highly applicable when you want to remove the add to cart button of the product page and sell it exclusively via the bundle widget's add to cart. This article can help you with this.
If you want to sell a product with such a volume discount widget anywhere, you can put the bundle widget wherever you wish using Fast Bundle blocks.

5) Choose a "Name" for showing in the Fast Bundle panel and a "Title" for your bundle for showing to customers.

6) You can decide on where this bundle should be displayed.

Please note that if you assign a volume discount to "All products" to "A collection", the bundle won't be displayed on the "Bundles" page.

7) Tap the "Save" button and create your bundle.

9)There are two types of display available for the volume discount bundle; Modern and Classic.

You can change between them via Fast Bundle admin > Customization > Design > Volume discount > Design,

This is how each one of them will look in the vertical and the horizontal view.



Via the customization panel, you can customize the appearance of the bundles but these are only applicable to the "Vertical" view of the bundle.

​The default view for the "Bundles" page is horizontal. You can change it via the Customization panel > Design > Bundles page > General > Design.

To have a better preview of how the "Volume Discount" will be displayed on your shop, you can check the following link from our demo store:

Furthermore, here is the link to the Fast Bundle demo tour to understand how to create your bundle more easily. :)

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